#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #dunlaoghaire #dúnlaoghaire #monkstown #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlrcoco #dlrartsoffice #dlrarts #dlrlibraries #dublin #dublinevents #choir #choral #choralmusic #choralsinging #choralsingingrocks #openevening #opennight #tasternight #quakermeetinghouse #soprano #alto #tenor #bass #baritone #mezzosoprano #auditions #singtogether
#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlrcoco #dlrartsoffice #dlrarts #dlrlibraries #dublin #dublinevents #choir #choral #choralmusic #ChoralSinging #choralsingingrocks #openevening #opennight #tasternight #quakermeetinghouse #soprano #alto #tenor #bass #baritone #mezzosoprano #auditions #singtogether
JOIN US for a Romantic masterpiece that runs the full gamut of human emotion!
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Do. Dublin @ 7.30 PM
Tix: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS / door
Doors open @ 7.00 PM
Looking forward to seeing you there! 💕
#dvorakdlcs #DLCS #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #dunlaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #DunLaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #Monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
Monkstown Parish Church (C. of I. ), rising spectrally from heat and dust...
Buses: 7 and 7A (stop 3040 going out of town and stop 3073 going towards town)
DART: Salthill and Monkstown station
Parking: Pay and display on local roads
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dvorak #dvořák #choral #choralmusic #dunlaoghaire #monkstown #monkstownvillage #dlr #dublinevents
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dvorak #choral #choralmusic #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #monkstownvillage #dlr #dublinevents
A sneak peek at our rehearsal tonight with full orchestra and soloists! 🌙
I can't describe how soulful and downright gorgeous this music is. You just have to be there... ✨
Only two more sleeps...
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Co. Dublin
Saturday 20 May @ 7.30 PM
Tickets €20 / €15 @ tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS or on the door
#DLCS #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
Yippee! 🎻 ONLY 2 SLEEPS until we sing this lovely work with top-notch soloists and orchestral musicians ⭐️
Look out for Movement 6. Does it sound familiar?
Tickets €20 / €15 @ http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS or at the door on the night
Saturday 20 May : 7:30 PM : Church of Ireland : Monkstown : County Dublin (pictured)
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #DunLaoghaire #monkstown #monkstownvillage
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown #monkstownvillage
Go to our TWITTER account: https://twitter.com/dlchoralsociety
Look for this post and RETWEET it for a chance to WIN TWO TICKETS to our concert on 20 May!
The WINNER will be chosen at random next Saturday 13 May, so keep a beady 👀 on our TWITTER account!
Good luck! 🍀 ✨ 💥
#dlcs #dvorakDLCS #DLR #choral #music #dublinevents
(To buy tickets: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS)
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dlr #choral #music #dublinevents
Rehearsing last night! Just over two weeks to go...
#dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlr #DLCS #dunlaoghairerathdown
#dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlr #dlcs #dunlaoghairerathdown
Monkstown Parish Church of Ireland looking rather tropical the other day! 🌞🌴
This is where we'll be singing Antonin Dvorak's divine Stabat Mater tomorrow fortnight, 20 May @ 7:30 PM.
Do join us. Tickets from Eventbrite.
#dvorakdlcs #DLCS #dublinevents #choralmusic #choral #dlr #dunlaoghairerathdown #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dublinevents #choralmusic #choral #dlr #dunlaoghairerathdown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
In just under 3 weeks we'll be singing one of the most sublime choral works ever written.
Be one of the few people in the world to experience Dvořák’s rarely performed Stabat Mater live!
Tickets: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS
#choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dlcs #dvorakdlcs #dlr
Tickets are ON SALE NOW for our May concert, Antonín Dvořák’s exquisite Stabat Mater.
Get yours here: tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS 🎵
Dvořák’s Stabat Mater is rarely performed in this part of the 🌍 so this is your chance to see it live... ✨
We're looking forward to seeing you there! 💕
Please share 🙏
Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate babies and young children at our concerts.
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlr
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlr
The lovely Church of Ireland in Monkstown, Co. Dublin, where we'll be performing Antonín Dvořák's exquisite Stabat Mater on Saturday 20 May at 7:30 PM.
Tickets €20/€15 from Eventbrite or at the door.
Buses: 7/7A
Bus stops: 3040 (from city centre) and 3073 (towards city centre)
DART: Salthill and Monkstown
Parking: local streets
This is music not to be missed! ✨
See you there! 🎵 🎶
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents
The big day is here!
We cannot wait to see many of you at Rascals Brewing tonight. While it's officially SOLD OUT, you can always check for returns/space - who doesn't want a pint and a great pizza?
Have some tough beer questions? We're (kinda) ready for those, too...
#DublinEvents #DublinBeer #DrinkIrish #WinterInDublin #IrishPodcast #MastoDaoine #Dublin #BeerPodcast
#dublinevents #dublinbeer #drinkirish #winterindublin #IrishPodcast #mastodaoine #dublin #BeerPodcast
Will we be seeing you TOMORROW NIGHT at Rascals Brewing?
Looks like you have siphoned up *all* of the free tickets, but if some of you left it too late, well...maybe you need to know a gal? 😉
We can't wait to see you!
#LivePodcast #DublinEvents #DrinkIrish #IrishPodcast #IrishCraftBeer #MastoDaoine
#livepodcast #dublinevents #drinkirish #IrishPodcast #IrishCraftBeer #mastodaoine
Only a few days away - come see us at Rascals Brewing - be there for our first episode of 2023, recorded live in front of a great #Dublin audience, which could include YOU.
Thursday, 12 Jan - join us!
#LivePodcast #DrinkIrish #PodcastersOfMastodon #IrishPodcast #MastoDaoine #DublinBeer #DublinEvents
#dublin #livepodcast #drinkirish #podcastersofmastodon #IrishPodcast #mastodaoine #dublinbeer #dublinevents
It’s nearly 2023! Maybe #NewYearsEve is when you’re beginning to sign up for events in January - want to come see us live?
Thursday, 12 Jan - get on it!
#LivePodcast #BeerPodcast #DublinEvents #DublinBeer #BeerLadiesOnTour #DrinkIrish #DublinBeer #RascalsBrewing
#newyearseve #livepodcast #BeerPodcast #dublinevents #dublinbeer #beerladiesontour #drinkirish #rascalsbrewing
Don't miss out on our LIVE PODCAST in January - do your advance planning now!
Free to book your spot - can't wait to see you at Rascals.
#DublinEvents #NollaignamBan #IrishPodcast #BeerPodcast #DrinkIrish #Dublin #DrinkLocal #MastoDaoine #DublinBeer
#drinklocal #mastodaoine #dublinbeer #dublinevents #nollaignamban #IrishPodcast #BeerPodcast #drinkirish #dublin