Five L-39 Albatros jets will fly over Michigan Stadium and downtown Ann Arbor tomorrow at 11:57 AM. #DuckAndCover
#DonaldDuck #Nazi Episode with Prologue Speech (der Fuehrer's Face 1943)
OMG, I didn't know this awarded #Disney #WW2 #propaganda short #movie from 1943 which mocks the cult around #Hitler. If you like the #DuckAndCover instructions video, this one is a must-see as well. 😉
#donaldduck #nazi #Disney #ww2 #propaganda #movie #hitler #duckandcover
Both the Soviets and US experimented with flying nuclear jet aircraft similar to the nuclear reactor system described in Destination Moon. Fortunately both sides were sane enough to determine that flying nuclear reactors could have some potential negative consequences, that they weren’t really equipped to deal with … HOORAY COMMON SENSE!
#TCMParty #destinationmoon #duckandcover
Rod Taylor should have listened to Burt the Turtle ...
#TCMParty #thetimemachine #duckandcover
@snaggen @hanno @icing That's one view. What's the license of readline, and are all programs dynamically linking to it GPL licensed?
I'm a fierce open source proponent, don't worry, but unless my binary _includes_ readline then no - I'm not distributing it. For all I know, the end user running my program has libedit instead of readline. This is however "still to be tested in court" but I'm not worried about the outcome.
(afaik FSF sees dynamic linking and static linking as one and the same)
Remember 'Duck and Cover'?
When you live in #Sweden, you get used to being offered simple solutions to difficult problems. Today's Swedish Public Television headline: "Here's what you should do to protect yourself from atomic bomb."
The answer is pretty much "stay inside and stay away from windows" 🙄
#sweden #nuclearweapons #duckandcover
On January 7, 1952 the nuclear safety film Duck and Cover was first released in the United States. Here’s a few Bert the Turtle fan art pieces to mark the occasion!
#DuckAndCover #ColdWar #TCMUnderground #CivilDefense #NationalFilmRegistry #SocialGuidanceFilms #ColdWarFilm #FanArt #Art #MovieArt #1950s #Drawing #Propaganda
#duckandcover #coldwar #tcmunderground #civildefense #nationalfilmregistry #socialguidancefilms #coldwarfilm #FanArt #art #movieart #1950s #drawing #propaganda
@elenaperez thank you, for saying that, and you too! One of my neighbors, though, was more exasperated than scared. 😂 She's lived here for decades and says that when #earthquakes like this happen, they feel more like a drill than the real thing.
She talked about nuclear drills in the ‘50s, and said she just wants to get it over with. She must’ve lived through a lot to feel that way. #DuckAndCover
On December 3, 2021 She Freak, The Mutations, Duck and Cover and When You Grow Up were screened on TCM Underground. Here's some fan art inspired by both features and both shorts!
#TCMUnderground #TCMParty #SheFreak #TheMutations #DuckAndCover #WhenYouGrow1973 #HorrorMovies #MonsterMovies #MidnightMovies #SocialGuidanceFilm #FanArt #70sHorror #CultCinema #Art #MastoArt #Drawnderground
#tcmunderground #TCMParty #shefreak #themutations #duckandcover #whenyougrow1973 #horrormovies #monstermovies #midnightmovies #socialguidancefilm #FanArt #70shorror #cultcinema #art #MastoArt #drawnderground
#Bales2022FilmChallenge - Turtle in Film - Going with everyone's favorite early Cold War agitational propaganda cartoon character Bert the Turtle in Duck and Cover (1952) for today's prompt! Here's some original Bert art!
#DuckAndCover #TurtleAdoptionDay #ColdWarFilm #ColdWar #CultCinema #SocialGuidanceFilm #FanArt #MovieArt #TCMUnderground
#bales2022filmchallenge #duckandcover #turtleadoptionday #coldwarfilm #coldwar #cultcinema #socialguidancefilm #FanArt #movieart #tcmunderground
@Cinemacabre Fascinating and terrifying article on the looming mushroom cloud in cinema! Bert the Turtle approves! 😁👍📼
#DuckAndCover #DystopianSciFi #CultFilms #MovieArt
#duckandcover #DystopianSciFi #cultfilms #movieart
@ddos24net We are proud to partner with @ddos24net to Overwhelm the Enemies of the State with our PassiveSanction system. By coupling our unmatched Identity Solutions with the 💪🔫💣 of the Information Age, all those that defile the Sanctity of #IntellectualProperty had better #DuckAndCover
#intellectualproperty #duckandcover
@Occamsrazor @Floppy is probably looking at these and thinking “Oh no, there goes the sever budget”
#Incoming #DuckAndCover
2/ Ach so, aber der Westen war auch nicht schlecht. Die haben das ganz ohne Schutzmaske hingekriegt: #DuckAndCover
Vermutlich ja, hier bei uns kam schon ganz ordentlich was runter. Und morgen soll wohl noch mal eine Stufe hoeher sein. Glaube ich mache doch mal wieder homeoffice und bleibe drin 🤔
#duckandcover 😅