Happy Thursday... there are only three ducks, so #MayTheFourthBeWithYou this #ThreeDuckThursday
If you're in England it is local election day for most people, so remember to grab your photo ID and vote to #GTTO - rivers full of sewage are bad for ducks like these, so #DuckTheTories
#Ducks #LowCarbonBirding #BirdsSeenIn2023 #Mallards #DuckOfTheDay
#maythefourthbewithyou #threeduckthursday #GTTO #duckthetories #ducks #lowcarbonbirding #birdsseenin2023 #mallards #duckoftheday
Hooded merganser can pick up WiFi on that thing. #birdphotography #duckoftheday #birbs
#birdphotography #duckoftheday #birbs
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
هذا خلق الله فأروني ماذا خلق الذين من دونه.. 💕
#كأس #العالم
#كأس #العالم #duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
هذا خلق الله فأروني ماذا خلق الذين من دونه.. 💕
#كأس العالم
#كأس #duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
لاإله إلا الله وأستغفرالله لذنبى وللمسلمين والمسلمات والمؤمنين والمؤمنات ألاحياء منهم والأموات عدد خلقه و رضا نفسه وزنه عرشه ومداد كلماته
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد، كما صليت على إبراهيم، وعلى آل إبراهيم، إنك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد، وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على إبراهيم، وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
جمال جزر المالديف😍
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday
#duckoftheday #rarebirds #silentsunday #StandingStoneSunday #Fotomontag #WorldKindnessDay #SundayPixRedThings #montag #taksim #istanbul #caturday #RemembranceSunday