Coming up this week on #DuctTapeAndDaddyIssues
I'm so bloody chuffed to be on this list TWICE and as soon as I work out the voting I'm gonna be on you like, well, me on boobs!
#goldenpigtails #smutawards2020 #ducttapeanddaddyissues
Good afternoon sexy people! Today we have the first in a series of clients who didn't make it into the book. Hold on to your tuppence, it's the Gusset King.
#NSFW #SexBlog #SexPositive #SexPositiveBlog #DuctTapeAndDaddyIssues
#NSFW #sexblog #sexpositive #sexpositiveblog #ducttapeanddaddyissues
Over on the Duct Tape and Daddy Issues FB group we have a Sunday Question. This week it is "what three words would sum up your utopia?" Join us over on to join in the discussions
#DuctTapeAndDaddyIssues #SexPositive #SexBlog #SexPositiveBlog
#ducttapeanddaddyissues #sexpositive #sexblog #sexpositiveblog
Gearing up to write a post on bratting but am sad today so here is a filler post
#ducttapeanddaddyissues #NSFW #kink
Also, if you want to buy my book you can here.
Duct Tape and Daddy Issues: The Memoir of a Phone Sex Worker
#writer #ducttapeanddaddyissues #sexworker #phonesex