The Dao De Jing says,
“One does less until one does nothing. One does nothing, and yet nothing is left undone.”
Do nothing
Oh, if it interests you, the 'ordinations' I currently hold are from places like: #UniversalLifeChurch
And a few others. I basically signed up for everything 😁
#ADHD #CantDecide #FOMO
So technically, I can marry you if you're in the States but, in the UK, I can do the ceremony but you'd need to also have a church/ registry office thing to ratify it.
#universallifechurch #dudeism #adhd #cantdecide #fomo
Call me a Dude, call me Taoist, call me Buddhist. Call me a Jediist if you want. I certainly lean that way on occasion. Labels are just fuckin' words, and they've caused as many or more problems than they've solved.
"The way that can be told is not the immortal way" as a great dude once said.
#dudeism #jediism #Taoism #buddhism
Jeff Bridges’ Dude-est Roles That Aren’t The Dude |
The Big Lebowski Turns 25: “People Didn’t Get It,” Jeff Bridges Says #Dudeism #TheDude
dear Cancer,
thats the second person I know that you have taken in the past week.
Feck you up, down, left, right, sideways and every which way including loose.
Thats over the line.
This agression will not stand.
And yet, the Dude Abides.
Happy Hangover Dudes!
February 27-March 6th
The week-ish long celebration beginning Feb 27th with National Kahlua Day and culminating on the Day of the Dude, March 6th. This is a sort of Dudeist Lent, where we kick back and appreciate the simple pleasures of life instead of chasing after the more complicated and painful ones.
My Dudeist friends, tomorrow begins the holy week of Hangover. Celebrate in whatever way is the least exhausting for you.
February 27-March 6th
The week-ish long celebration beginning Feb 27th with National Kahlua Day and culminating on the Day of the Dude, March 6th. This is a sort of Dudeist Lent, where we kick back and appreciate the simple pleasures of life instead of chasing after the more complicated and painful ones.
Happy Pal-o-Mine's Day!
Pal-o-Mine's Day is coming up! Where Valentines Day is all about romantic love, Pal-o-Mine's day is all about celebrating friendships. In #Dudeism we believe that friendships are a huge part of abiding and we prefer to be rich in quality friends rather than money and stuff. It falls on the 13th of February so that couples can celebrate too. 😎
#friendship #holidays #holiday #valentineday #palominesday #taoism #religion
#dudeism #friendship #holidays #holiday #valentineday #palominesday #taoism #religion
Yeah!? Well you know.................... that's like your alternate fact, man
You can has degrees at
The Free University for Free Spirits to keep your mind limber
The Stranger calls it like it is:
“And even if he’s a lazy man – and the Dude was most certainly that. Quite possibly the laziest in Los Angeles County, which would place him high in the runnin’ for laziest worldwide.”
Lazy folk have more than likely done nothing so don't go lazy shaming anyone, Man.
The Dude may well be the laziest person, but not about bowling;
EFF it, man, let's go bowling
Bowling is life, Dude
Some beers, a few laughs
Our troubles are over, Dude
Gutters and strikes
May your balls never go in the gutter
Stay calm
Hi, strangers! I'm a happily married father of a gloriously stubborn little girl who got her ADHD from me. My wife is an incredibly patient woman. It is impossible to overstate that.
I'm also a writer, substitute teacher, PhD in philosophy, political/social commentator, Dudeist priest, and relatively okay guy.
#democracy #socialism #independent #taoism #dudeism #starwars #startrek #ADHD #autism #MDD #Ukraine #GOPistheproblem
Not that the Dems are much of a solution.
#democracy #socialism #independent #taoism #dudeism #starwars #startrek #adhd #autism #mdd #ukraine #gopistheproblem
Whilst giving advice is not very Dudely
What if there were no hypotheticals?
Try to engage in gentle pleasurable activities around your own special interests
Be unafraid to be 100% you
My super power is taking it easy
Take many photos, or not
Without pics, it didn't happen
Adulting is complicated
Income tax is a fine for working
So, Take it easy
The Dudely AI AbIdes