Adding #duf as an alias for `df` is a simple one line change thanks to #NixOS
The Best Modern Linux Commands For Beginners And Experts #ModernLinuxCommands #LinuxCommandsAlternatives #httpie #bat #ncdu #htop #fd #exa #duf #tldr #autojump #zoxide #ripgrep #sd #jq #neofetch #dust #fossil #poetry #Commandline #Productivity #Linux #LinuxCommands #Linuxhowto
#modernlinuxcommands #linuxcommandsalternatives #httpie #bat #ncdu #htop #fd #exa #duf #tldr #autojump #zoxide #ripgrep #sd #jq #neofetch #dust #fossil #poetry #commandLine #productivity #Linux #linuxcommands #linuxhowto
Ein neuer Forumbeitrag:übsches-kommandozeilen-tool 1492/duf-ein-hübsches-kommandozeilen-tool #linux #duf
Heute wollen wir euch das Tool #duf vorstellen. Mit dem Disk Usage/Free Utility für #Linux, #BSD, #windows und #MacOS lassen sich deine Speichermedien analysieren. Dabei wird die Ausgabe übersichtlich aufbereitet und mit Farben angereichert. Wer also mit dem Kommando `du` nicht so gut zurecht kommt oder mehr Übersicht wünscht, sollte sich duf genauer anschauen.
#powershell #terminal #kommandozeile #toolsday #macos #windows #bsd #linux #duf
Tails 19th December 2022: PH-SDR, De Haviland Canada DCH8-311, Schreiner Airways (operating for Sabena) at Dusseldorf Airport, 11th October 1996.
#dusseldorf #DUF #EDDL #DeHavilandCanada #DHC8 #Dash8 #SchreinerAirways #Sabena
#avgeek #aviation #planespotting
#dusseldorf #duf #eddl #dehavilandcanada #dhc8 #dash8 #schreinerairways #sabena #avgeek #aviation #planespotting
How To View Disk Usage With Duf On Linux And Unix #duf #DiskUsage #Linux #Opensource #Commandline
#commandLine #OpenSource #Linux #diskusage #duf
Terminal Tip: ‘duf’ is Prettier Alternative to the ‘df’ Command #apps #cli #duf #terminal #terminal_apps
#terminal #terminal_apps #apps #cli #duf
Terminal Tip: ‘duf’ is Prettier Alternative to the ‘df’ Command #apps #cli #duf #terminal #terminal_apps
#terminal #terminal_apps #apps #cli #duf
Terminal Tip: ‘duf’ is Prettier Alternative to the ‘df’ Command
#terminalapps #terminal #Apps #cli #duf
#terminalapps #terminal #apps #cli #duf
Terminal Tip: ‘duf’ is Prettier Alternative to the ‘df’ Command
I wouldn’t call myself a command line ninja but I do have a soft spot for getting things done using a CLI. At the end of 2021 I wrote a list of the best command line apps I use on the regular. In that rundown I spotlighted btop, a powerful and engaging alternative to top, and intro’d ncdu, an awesome, interactive replacement for the regular du command, written in Ncurses. This week I came across a similarly flashy “replacement” for another command that I use from time to time: df. Df is a command line basic that relays file system :sys_more_orange:
#Apps #Cli #Duf #Terminal #TerminalApps
#Apps #cli #duf #terminal #TerminalApps
How To View Disk Usage With Duf On Linux And Unix #Duf #Diskusage #Golang #Linux #Opensource #Commandline
#commandLine #OpenSource #Linux #goLang #diskusage #duf