#DukeBrainInTheNews: “I believe that intelligence can’t be born without having the perspective of physical embodiments," says @DukeEngineering's @Boyuan__Chen. Read more about the minds of machines in the @nytimes piece featuring Chen + other #AI experts.
In a decades-long quest to capture the crispest images of a mouse brain, researchers @DukeU Center for In Vivo Microscopy, including DIBS assoc. dir. @NeuroscienceNow, created a “turbocharged MRI.” #DukeBrainInTheNews https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11987043/Brain-images-just-got-64-million-times-sharper-thanks-turbocharged-MRI-scans.html
#DukeBrainInTheNews: CNAP alum Matt Stanley's recent finding that loyal employees get the short-end of the stick from their bosses was picked-up by @VICENews. https://www.vice.com/en/article/k7zqga/company-exploitation-unpaid-work
#DukeBrainInTheNews Many pandemic memories seem to be blending together or forgotten altogether. @DukePsychNeuro prof. Kevin LaBar chimes in on event boundaries and COVID forgetfulness in this @abcnews article: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/people-forgetting-covid-pandemic-memories/story?id=97996741
An excerpt from @NitaFarahany's recently released book, "Battle for Your Brain" is available via @WIRED - give it a read! #DukeBrainInTheNews
RT @ailsachang
Imagine your boss monitoring your wandering mind or the police seeking a warrant into your brain. @NitaFarahany says we're closer to that day than you think, and urges us to protect our cognitive liberty. Produced/edited by @vacovino/@JustineKenin @npratc https://n.pr/3mRjGdw
RT @dukeresearch
Studying the genetics and evolution of dogs' friendliness with @bharedogguy @DukeU https://www.cbsnews.com/news/dog-evolution-60-minutes-2023-03-12/
"Many employers are already surveilling workers to find out what they’re thinking and feeling...Workplace surveillance is about to get much more precise by using brain sensors," says @NitaFarahany in a recent @BostonGlobe interview about #CognitiveLiberty.
RT @GlobeIdeas
According to @NitaFarahany, the day will come when companies know what products we want before we do, writes @EvanSelinger. They’ll get the inf…
#cognitiveliberty #dukebraininthenews
"We need a new human right to cognitive liberty," says DIBS member & @DukeLaw prof. @NitaFarahany in the @guardian #DukeBrainInTheNews
A new drug that will slow vision loss is approaching the market, and @DukeMedSchool ophthalmology prof. Eleonora Lad MD PhD helped oversee the trial testing its use. #DukeBrainInTheNews
#DukeBrainInTheNews: in a feature on @DukeNeuro's @KafuiDzirasa + co.'s new @JAMANetworkOpen paper, @SherilynnBlack says, “This study demonstrates that we are not where we need to be if we truly want science to be as equitable and innovative as possible.” https://www.science.org/content/article/women-black-researchers-less-likely-hold-multiple-nih-grants
The brainy folks at DIBS are always churning out news-worthy work. Take a peek at recently research from our faculty that made headlines over at our media coverage page! #DukeBrainInTheNews