Global News BC: BC Ferries cancels more sailings due to mechanical problems, staffing issues #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCferriescancelations #BcFerriesStaffing #BCFerriescancels #Tsawwassenferry #Tsawwassen #BCFerries #DukePoint #Traffic #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcferriescancelations #bcferriesstaffing #bcferriescancels #tsawwassenferry #Tsawwassen #BCFerries #dukepoint #traffic #Canada
Heard just now on the tannoy: "You're on a ship that can sometimes move unexpectedly"
Yes, as in "drop the main anchor unexpectedly". That was last week's hiccough.
This week, as in today, waiting for the Duke Point boat to load at, let's guess now, Duke Point, heard the steam whistle over at Harmac mill blow 30 times in a row. Yes, I counted, I am like that.
Hope that all the workers are safe: they make the raw material for the spun-fibre innards of N95 masks.