I saw a Mar 6 post on other social media from #SceneOnRadio podcast host, John Biewen, saying that #DukeU’s #CenterForDocumentaryStudies is being reorganized, and as a result, he’s been let go.
A few years ago, I stumbled upon Scene On Radio podcasts season, #SeeingWhite. Early episodes (esp Ep3, “Made In America” on how “whiteness” was created) were eye opening and permanently changed my perspective.
Wishing John Biewen well & hope that he + others laid off end up in better places.
#sceneonradio #dukeu #centerfordocumentarystudies #seeingwhite
I hear it’s iceberg cold in Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, with rolling blackouts across the state to keep the power grid from breaking. Stay warm (if you can) and stay safe. Don’t let it ruin your holiday. (Pulling for Duke, Carolina, and State to win their bowl games!)
#northcarolina #researchtriangle #DukeU #UNC #NCSU #ChapelHillNC #durhamnc #raleighnc
#northcarolina #researchtriangle #dukeu #unc #ncsu #chapelhillnc #durhamnc #raleighnc
Here is a silly holiday video from some of the friendly folks I’ve met through the #DukeU Alumni-Student Connectors #CommunityOfPractice. They are playing on the #CoachK bench on campus. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xBoxImeOG78 I work in such a beautiful setting.
#dukeu #communityofpractice #coachk