La #Russia si cementa come centro del #complottismo con un "rapporto" amato dai #novax che parla di #biolabs, #soros e #PoteriForti, redatto a quatto mano dalla #Duma e dal #Telegram dell'#UomoPangolino contro i #mutanti #pfizer
#russia #complottismo #novax #biolabs #soros #poteriforti #duma #telegram #UomoPangolino #Mutanti #pfizer
Opensource nel mirino della Russia. Vietata la partecipazione ad organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro straniere
Secondo #OpenNET, la #Duma di Stato della Federazione #Russa sta per approvare le leggi n.346588-8, n.346769-8. Queste leggi mirano a #vietare la partecipazione di cittadini della Federazione Russa a #organizzazioni senza scopo di lucro straniere non registrate che non sono incluse in un #registro #speciale.
Condividi questo post se hai trovato la news interessante.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#opennet #duma #russa #vietare #organizzazioni #registro #speciale #redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Una condivisione social fa passare il falso messaggio che l'esistenza del #GermanAmericanBund in passato abbia reso l'#America #nazista. Cosa vera come ritenere che i #troll filo-#Putin e anti-#Ucraina ci rendano tutti asserviti alla #Duma
#germanamericanbund #america #nazista #troll #putin #ucraina #duma
La #Duma di #Stato, la camera bassa del #parlamento #russo, ha approvato, un #disegnodilegge, che legalizza e regola le #banche #islamiche nel paese.
Mio articolo
#duma #stato #parlamento #russo #disegnodilegge #banche #islamiche
The #Tambov Regional #Duma has submitted a bill to the State Duma to allow participants of the "special military operation" to pass exams for a driver's license based on the results of self-training, without passing a driving school. #press
". . .head of the #Duma defence committee, Colonel-General Andrei #Kartapolov, saluted the attack on #Kramatorsk, saying: “I take my hat off to those who planned it, who carried it out. My old #military heart rejoices when I see how many of these #kids’ #bodies are being dug up, sometimes with tattoos, sometimes with emblems.” Among the bodies there are those of the 14-year-old #twins Yulia and Anna Aksenchenko."
#twins #bodies #kids #military #kramatorsk #kartapolov #duma
Z @bi_lisek i ekipą z Kutna szliśmy wczoraj w Poznaniu w Marszu Równości.
Jak ja lubię Marsze i Parady Równości.
Te tysiące pozytywnych, kolorowych osób.
Mimo że "miesiąc dumy" się skończył to osoby LGBTQ+ bądźcie dumne cały czas bo jesteście tego warte.
Do zobaczenia na kolejnych Marszach :BlobhajHeartPride:
:panheart: :biheart: :transheart: :asheart: :nbheart: :lesheart: :gayheart: :agenheart: :fluidheart: :interheart:
#pride2023 #poznan #marszrownosci #duma #lgbtq #Lewica
PMCs will no longer be able to enter into contracts with prisoners. This was announced by the chairman of the State #Duma Committee on Legislation and State Construction Pavel Krasheninnikov. According to him, now the contracts are concluded only with the Ministry of Defense of… #press
A couple of telegram channels are reporting Wagner has entered Moscow.
Meanwhile, "The State Duma of the Russian Federation offered the "Wagnerians" to lay down their arms and surrender. They promise amnesty "for merits in the SVO"."
:telegram: Говорить Україна
#russia #rebellion #wagnerpmc #duma #svo
Kremlin continues to lower requirements for Russian military service to increase recruitment
The new law would allow citizens:
With a criminal record
Deemed “partially fit” for military service
To sign contracts with the Russian military during periods of wartime, #mobilization or martial law, Kremlin-run news agency TASS reported on June 20.
#RussiaInvadedUkraine #RussianAggression #Kremlin #Duma #recruitment #military #RussiaUkraineWar
#russiaukrainewar #military #recruitment #duma #kremlin #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #mobilization
W czerwcu z dumą 📣 idziemy w Paradzie Równości. W październiku z dumą 🗳️ głosujemy na osoby, dla których równość to fundamentalna wartość ✌️
Bo nieważne kim jesteś, ani kogo kochasz. Jesteś ważny i wyjątkowy. Bądź sobą przez cały rok!
👉W 2020 roku ⅓ powierzchni Polski pokrywały strefy, gdzie władze podjęły dyskryminujące uchwały anty-LGBT. Po trzech latach to już mniej niż 10% powierzchni kraju. Zmiana nadchodzi!
Dużo szczęścia wszystkim! 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
#paradarówności #paradarownosci #prideparade #warszawa #warsaw #pride #pridemonth #pridemonth2023 #pride2023 #duma #lgbt #lgbtpolska #lgbtpoland #gaypoland #gay #queer #equality #równość
#rownosc #equality #queer #gay #gaypoland #lgbtpoland #lgbtpolska #lgbt #duma #pride2023 #pridemonth2023 #pridemonth #pride #warsaw #warszawa #prideparade #ParadaRownosci
State #Duma deputy from the #Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Zubarev died. The cause of death was not reported. #press
It seems telling that known Russia spy Maria Butina -- the former❓ NRA and right-wing favorite -- is helping defector Tara Reade gain access to Putin.
"Butina has pledged to 'discuss the possibility of granting Russian citizenship' to Reade, and ask Russian President Vladimir Putin to 'fast track' her citizenship application, it reported."
#Biden #GOP #Traitors #republicans #defector #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Ukraine #FSB #Duma #TaraReade #PutinPuppets
#putinpuppets #tarareade #duma #fsb #Ukraine #RussiaInvadedUkraine #defector #republicans #traitors #gop #biden
🤡 The #Russian State #Duma passed a law allowing citizens of the Russian Federation to be fined or arrested for distributing maps "disputing the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation".
This applies to maps without Crimea and the four regions of Ukraine "annexed" by… #press
"#BREAKING: pro-🇺🇦 Russian volunteers have entered the #Belgorod oblast, raiding a local border post.
Obervers are calling it an incursion, the #LibertyOfRussia Legion already speaks of "liberated" villages."
"The leader of the Russian rebel force: Ilya #Ponomarev, former #Duma member who went into exile to #Ukraine back in 2016.
When he was in the Duma, Ponomarev was the ONLY one of 446 MPs to vote against the annexation of #Crimea."
#breaking #belgorod #libertyofrussia #ponomarev #duma #ukraine #crimea #ukrainewar