On a fini le #ConteDeMonteCristo !
Oui #Dumas était payé à la ligne. Oui le rythme est franchement molasson pendant l'épisode romain et à la fin une fois Paris quitté. Oui les références à la Providence, Dieu et les duels d'honneur sont franchement datées.
Mais quelle intrigue ! Que de rebondissements, de personnages, de satire sociale sur le chemin de cette vengeance.
...#Dumas whose books are on Project #Gutenberg, in #French and in #English translation.
#dumas #gutenberg #french #english
Currently reading The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo, by Tom Reiss (2012), a Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, father of novelist Alexandre Dumas. Excellent so far. Fascinating.
#biography #dumas #FrenchRevolution #history #slavery #BlackHistory #PulitzerPrize
#biography #dumas #frenchrevolution #history #slavery #BlackHistory #pulitzerprize
Firing up my next fiction book. A short one but looks a good one. The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas, set in 17th century Holland at the time of "Tulipmania". #books #reading #fiction #fictionInTranslation #dumas #alexandreDumas #frenchLiterature #netherlands #holland #tulipmania #historicalFiction #17thCentury #17thCenturyFiction #SeventeenthCentury #SeventeenthCenturyFiction #bookstodon
#bookstodon #seventeenthcenturyfiction #seventeenthcentury #17thcenturyfiction #17thcentury #historicalfiction #tulipmania #holland #netherlands #frenchliterature #alexandredumas #dumas #Fictionintranslation #fiction #reading #books
Pour parler de bonnes nouvelles, la nouvelle adaptation fabriquée en France des "Trois Mousquetaires", en deux parties, sort sur les écrans le 5 avril ("D'Artagnan", sachant que la seconde partie, "Milady", arrivera en décembre). Et j'ai vraiment hâte de voir ce que ça va donner.
#cinéma #Dumas #TroisMousquetaires #DeCapeEtDépée #aventure #histoire
#cinema #dumas #TroisMousquetaires #decapeetdepee #aventure #histoire
Here is the relevant chapter should anyone like to judge the context for themselves.
#Dumas #CountOfMonteCristo #Trans #Lbgtq #Sappho #Literature
#literature #sappho #lbgtq #trans #countofmontecristo #dumas
“Monsieur Danglars had a daughter no longer.”
— Dumas, Count of Monte Cristo
It can also be read that Monsieur Léon d’Armilly is a trans man, escaping to his freedom. He does seem more comfortable once he changes out of feminine dress.
#Dumas #CountOfMonteCristo #Transmasc #Transmen #LGBQT #TransLiterature
#transliterature #lgbqt #transmen #transmasc #countofmontecristo #dumas
“Then, with a rapidity that showed this was surely not the first time that she had, for fun, put on the clothes of the other sex, Eugenie pulled on the boots, slipped into the trousers, rumpled her cravat, buttoned a high-necked waistcoat up to the top and got into a frock-coat that outlined her slender, well-turned waist.”
— Dumas, Count of Monte Cristo
My favorite subplot is the lesbian couple who run away to Italy to join the opera.
#sappho #frenchliterature #countofmontecristo #dumas
am approaching the point where Dumas' lovers will part and it's like there's all the deep sadness of Verdi's #opera but it's taking so much longer to get through and there's no lovely music and there won't be applause and happy after.
there's also the uncertainty of how this will happen. unlike the very familiar passages of opera.
not sure i like this.
#AmReading #LaDameAuxCamillas #Dumas
#LaTraviata #Verdi
#opera #amreading #ladameauxcamillas #dumas #latraviata #verdi #projectgutenberg
The count of Monte Cristo is one of those heartwarming tales which shows that with dedication, hard work, cunning, and a windfall of a hundred million dollars, dreams can come through.
Even if that dream might be revenge.
#Dumas #Literature #IfIHadAMillionDollars #Windfall #Motivation #CountOfMonteCristo
#countofmontecristo #motivation #windfall #ifihadamilliondollars #literature #dumas
I am about to be in swashbuckling heaven. Not one, but 2 versions of the #ThreeMusketeers out this year. I do love mesons #Dumas.
He was such a talented author. I recently wanted to honor #Dumas by running a Three #Musketeers reimagining in Final Fantasy XIV.
My D'Artagnan was a #woman. And Athos was *very* #bisexual. Milady was mixed race, and she lives at the end after telling us how to beat the Cardinal. 😼💙
#roleplay #stories #ffxiv #bisexual #woman #musketeers #dumas
Dumas expects us to believe after 14 years in prison, and no food for 24 hours, the Count of Monte Cristo can swim 7 kilometers in a storm at night.
Seem legit.
#Literature #Dumas #CountOfMonteCristo #swimming #Drama #JustHeroicThings
#justheroicthings #drama #swimming #countofmontecristo #dumas #literature
How to become a polymath in two years, Count of Monte Cristo style.
All you need is free room and board and a dedicated private tutor, and no responsibilities to distract you with.
#countofmontecristo #polymath #dumas #literature
Dumas seems skeptical about Italy’s chances of unification, just four years before the unification wars begin. Of course, it was also twenty seven years before they unified.
#History #Dumas #CountOfMonteCristo #Italy #ItalianUnification #Literature #PoliticalPhilosophy
#politicalphilosophy #literature #italianunification #italy #countofmontecristo #dumas #history
The “mad abbé” of Count of Monte Cristo provides an interesting reading list:
I have read half of those, which makes me want to read the rest.
#toread #countofmontecristo #classics #dumas #literature
“‘There is no need, Monsieur, he is being punished enough as it is. In any case, he is already close to madness and, judging by what we have observed, in another year he will be quite insane.’
‘Well, so much the better for him,’ said the inspector. ‘When he is altogether mad, he will suffer less.’ As you can see, this inspector was a man of the utmost humanity and altogether worthy of the philanthropic office with which he had been entrusted.”
—Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
I realized that Dumas starting the Count of Monte Cristo on February 24th, 1815 is like Tom Clancy starting a novel on September 7th, 2001. To contemporary Frenchmen it would be obvious what major events are about to transpire.
These days only real grognards know that Napoleon’s return from Elba is imminent.
#Dumas #History #Literature #FrenchLiterature #Napoleon #Foreshadowing #CountOfMonteCristo #Clancy
#clancy #countofmontecristo #foreshadowing #napoleon #frenchliterature #literature #history #dumas