The remains of Carman Hill Fort (probably dating from the iron age some two to three thousand years ago) overlooking the Firth of Clyde from Carman Muir near Renton.
As is typical of iron hill forts, the sites of several other similar hill forts are visible from this location, including Dumbarton Rock, which can be seen in the distance. Incidently, the Dum in Dumbarton comes from dùn, which Gaelic for fort.
#glasgow #dumbarton #ancientscotlans #glasgowhistory #ironage #dumbartonrock
#dumbartonrock #ironage #glasgowhistory #ancientscotlans #Dumbarton #glasgow
A ship passing the remains of the Lang Dyke opposite Dumbarton Rock as it heads down the Clyde from Glasgow and out to sea.
This is impressive bit of engineering was built by John Golborne in the 1770s as part of efforts to create a deep water channel all the up to Glasgow. It still helps keep the channel open to shipping to this day.
#glasgow #riverclyde #portglasgow #dumbuckshoals #glasgowhistory #dumbarton #dumbartonrock #clydeestuary #langdyke
#langdyke #clydeestuary #dumbartonrock #Dumbarton #glasgowhistory #dumbuckshoals #portglasgow #riverclyde #glasgow
Looking up the Clyde towards the Erskine Bridge from Dumbarton Rock.
#glasgow #dumbarton #erskinebridge #dumbartonrock #seashore #theclyde #clydeestuary
#seascape #scotland #scottishscenery
#scottishscenery #scotland #seascape #clydeestuary #theclyde #seashore #dumbartonrock #erskinebridge #Dumbarton #glasgow
The Lang Dyke, along with other major engineeeirng projects, allowed ships to sail right into the heart of Glasgow.
Prior to this, ships could only get as far as Port Glasgow before having to be unloaded with their cargo finishing their journey by horse and cart.
#glasgow #theclyde #langdyke #clydeestuary #dumbarton #dumbartonrock
#dumbartoncastle #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #dumbartoncastle #dumbartonrock #Dumbarton #clydeestuary #langdyke #theclyde #glasgow
The Clyde at Dumbarton Rock, with channel markers showing the position of The Lang Dyke, (lower right to middle left).
Constructed in 1773, The lang Dyke aimed to constrain and speed up the flow of water, and so help deepen the channel by scouring.
#glasgow #theclyde #langdyke #clydeestuary #dumbarton #dumbartonrock
#dumbartoncastle #glasgowhistory
#glasgowhistory #dumbartoncastle #dumbartonrock #Dumbarton #clydeestuary #langdyke #theclyde #glasgow
Magnificent Dumbarton Castle, built on and around the 240ft high twin-peaked Dumbarton Rock overlooking the River Clyde, a place that may have been fortified since before the Romans left Britain. More pics and info:
#Scotland #DumbartonCastle #Dumbarton #Castle #DumbartonRock #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #dumbartonrock #castle #Dumbarton #dumbartoncastle #scotland
Dumbarton Rock from a moving train.
#trains #blur #riverclyde #movingfast #dumbartonrock