Disheartening to see #Asian pandering to white supremacy!
Oh, Grace Chong, if they could,
You’d swinging or a sex slave like the Japanese during WII.
#dumbcunt #warroom #gracechong #asian
Another Military asshat!
U.S. Navy non-commissioned officer who’s accused of overseeing a prominent #Russian #propaganda account that made leaked documents from the #Pentagon go viral.
#navyofficer #usnavy #traitors
#ruskiagent #SarahBils #dumbcunt
#donbassdevushka #dumbcunt #sarahbils #ruskiagent #traitors #usnavy #navyofficer #pentagon #propaganda #russian
The whole selfie while looking at the phone instead of where its pointed is the epitome of female solipsism.