@br00t4c Good ol' Nimrata, making extra certain there'll be no viable primary competitor for #DumbDonnie
@surcomplicated @Popehat Since these new attorneys are getting paid by the slush fund..er..PAC instead of stiffed by Frump himself, it might make their lives easier if #DumbDonnie got himself jailed. They'd have a field day lying about it in the compliant press and wouldn't have to take his calls as often.
@davidtoddmccarty ¡Híjole! the stupid is so painful. They really believe in the "windmill cancer" #DumbDonnie imagined. While you CAN fix stupid, it tends to ruin the carpets and there are occasional legal repercussions.
@w7voa When the rabid, vapid campaign minions sound exactly as unhinged as #DumbDonnie it's time to run the whole lot through the system. The ones that haven't yet committed crimes can start with therapy, the rest can break some rocks.
@w7voa I want it to be #DumbDonnie and #NatashaNewkidneys being arrested and I want a #PerpWalk !
#perpwalk #natashanewkidneys #dumbdonnie
@w7voa "Negotiating." Someone needs to tell #DumbDonnie that saying "Nanny nanny booboo!" to a lawful request from a government agency specifically tasked with managing those documents isn't "negotiating."