Doctors are leaving states that have abortion bans? Gee, I wonder why.
This is why #Dumbocrats need to get off their collective asses and codify a woman's right to choose.
I support our rights in the #SecondAmendment : A Well Regulated Militia! Political #Rethuglicans and #Dumbocrats ! Do your jobs! Regulate all Militias! It is in the constitution!
#dumbocrats #ReThuglicans #secondamendment
@jaykuo Both sides! Both sides!
You are showing two #Rethuglicans who committed fraud of millions/bajillions of moola, who lied, stole money, and committed fraud (the latter had to be said twice due to the size of their... hands).
However, #Dumbocrats also have their detrimental liars and fraudsters!
Didn't #BillClinton lie to a grand jury about having sex with an intern? Didn't #HillaryClinton do #Benghazi , #Benghazi , #Benghazi ?
BOTH SIDES you intelligent liberal!!!!
#benghazi #hillaryclinton #billclinton #dumbocrats #ReThuglicans
@georgetakei If #Dumbocrats wish to do something real, they should codify the right to choose, the right to an abortion at the federal level! Oh gods, they had a super majority in 2009, and they squandered everything!
@georgetakei #JoeBiden is not a hero! He is one of the idiot Senators who did NOTHING to preserve Social Security! What we need to do is to raise taxes on Corporations to pay down all the debt incurred by 90% #Rethuglicans and 10% #Dumbocrats !
#dumbocrats #ReThuglicans #JoeBiden
@georgetakei A much much (one more) much better solution is for #dumbocrats to work to codify abortion services into law.
@georgetakei A much much (one more) much better solution is for #dumbocrats to work to codify abortion services into law.
I get the feeling that if #dumbocrats retain control of the house, this would have dragged on for two plus more years. I'm tired of political manipulation, of maximizing political gain, just do something now!
@georgetakei Gay rights is human rights for all! Same sex marriage defines a marriage based on two adults who love each other, not by politicians! I am married to a woman, and I am not threatened by a same sex marriage! All of you antigay homophobes, get over your bigotry! I say good for federal and state recognition of marriages, same sex, interracial, nonreligious AND oppo-sex! About time, #dumbocrats ! (I'm leaving out #rethuglicans for obvious reasons)
We need to end #gerrymandering by #rethuglicans (and by #dumbocrats ) nationwide!
#dumbocrats #ReThuglicans #gerrymandering