I feel like this is a #DumbQuestion, but that's never stopped me: Should I take along my #sunhat when I visit #Ireland?
#dumbquestion #sunhat #ireland
Mom in Kid Activity asked other mom about her new baby
“Is he a good baby?” 🤨
What are you supposed to say besides yes?
No, he was busted stealing opioids while he was in the nursery. He tried to sell his older brother smokes after nap time. My milk wasn’t coming in fast enough so he punched me in the tit.
#dumbquestion #pregnancy #momlife #parenting
#dumbquestion #pregnancy #momlife #parenting
Question: if you mix half-and-half with a cup of whole cream, do you get 2 or 3/4?
#strangeMath #food #dumbQuestion
#strangemath #food #dumbquestion
This is not true at all!1!1!1!
RT @txtdarikorporat@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/txtdarikorporat/status/1610963777029296128
Karena yang ngajakin ngobrol biasanya kalau lagi butuh IT support doang 😂.
Tanyain seputar hobi, film, buku, atau komik yg disuka. Siapapun pasti asyik diajak ngobrol kalau ngobrol topik yg disuka, bukan nambah2in kerjaan
RT @txtdarikorporat
#dumbquestion 8
Ok, time for a #dumbquestion. I see a lot of toots that are clearly longer than 500 characters - what’s the deal here? How can they do this and I can’t?
#DumbQuestion for non-native English speakers. As an American, I think we generally find it cool when people have accents and apply the sounds of their native languages to English. Does it work the other way? Do Americans speaking another language with an American accent sound ignorant or interesting? #bilingual #multilingual #languages
#dumbquestion #bilingual #multilingual #languages
Hey, this is a #DumbQuestion, but I am mildly high and need to know.
Now that I am out as a #transfem, does that change how socially acceptable it is to have #waifus.
For that matter, what is a waifu? Is there a level of extremeness that is assumed by default? It must vary on some level
#dumbquestion #transfem #waifus
#Question and probably a #DumbQuestion
if we are all part of the same ecosystem, then why dont we seem to see posts from peertube & pixelfed instances without following those accounts?
@jfparis Thanks!
#dumbquestion is the public / federated feed not just everything on the fediverse that isn't blocked? I guess that's my worry, that for some reason my instance won't see everything.
#Dumbquestion i cannot see my friend who has an@ in the different name right?