· @MHowell
88 followers · 1305 posts · Server kolektiva.social

@Mikal Two stories:

1) in Burlington for a conference, staying with host who, unknown to me, were also hosting a family of farmers who children arose at 5am. Well, seeing as how I;d arrived at my hosts after dumpstering some great chocolates around 4am and was unable to sleep, I got up and shared my loot with the kids who all went hyper. Needless to say I changed host houses after that.

2) The Mt Vernon Safeway dumpster was where i took my future wife, on our way to work as river guides on the east side. My hunter/gatherer skills must've impressed her, 25 years ago, and she still tells this as the story of one of our first dates.

#dumpsterstories #dumpsterdiving

Last updated 1 year ago