A trip to the #InisMór in the #AranIslands and back via the #CliffsOfMoher (film location for, amongst others, The #PrincessBride.) #PollnabPéist (site of #RedBull cliff diving) and #DúnAonghasa. Managed to avoid the rain, despite what the pics might suggest. #Ireland #Clare #Galway #CliffsOfInsanity
#cliffsofinsanity #galway #clare #ireland #dunaonghasa #redbull #pollnabpeist #princessbride #CliffsOfMoher #aranislands #inismor
Seem to have come down with a touch of the lurgy and spent the afternoon watching, the quite brilliant #BansheesOfInisherin. So it feels apt that today's #DailyPhoto should be an old one from a visit to #InisMor, looking up to the amazing #Prehistoric #HillFort of #DúnAonghasa (#DunAengus)
#ireland #galway #AranIslands #dunaengus #dunaonghasa #hillfort #prehistoric #inismor #dailyphoto #BansheesOfInisherin