Be honest. We can physically feel this picture. #vacation #theoffice #dundermifflin #KellyKapoor #workmeme
#vacation #theoffice #dundermifflin #KellyKapoor #workmeme
Mistigram: this #pixelart #DunderMifflin staff photo was drawn by Ordinary_Pixel in celebration of the American version of #TheOffice, and contains stylized, anonymized versions of its employees Michael Scott (Steve Carell), Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson), Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) and, well, many more. It was included in the television-themed MIST0719 artpack collection released three years ago.
#pixelart #dundermifflin #theoffice
Opening up #mastodon after #Facebook & #Twitter is like when Pam goes back to #DunderMifflin for a talking head during the #MichaelScottPaperCompany arc of #TheOfficeUS. The air smells so nice & the chairs are more comfortable.
#Mastodon #facebook #twitter #dundermifflin #michaelscottpapercompany #theofficeus
#theoffice was never about #MichaelScott or #PamandJim. Nor was it about #Dundermifflin. It was always about #DwightSchrute.
#theoffice #michaelscott #pamandjim #dundermifflin #dwightschrute
Horreur !!!!
Il faut qu'on innonde Mastodon avec The Office !
J'invoque @Nao_Winchester !
On va créer le premier Dunder Mifflin sur Mastodon. Youhou.
Cette commu, elle va être bien grosse !
(-C'est ce qu'elle disait).
#theoffice #dundermifflin #cestcequelledisait
That makes a surprising amount of sense 🏢🎄•
#theoffice #TheOfficeUS #DunderMifflin #DunderMifflinites #elf #buddytheelf #christmas #xmas #willferrell #christmaslights #christmas2022 #christmasfilms #christmasiscoming #meme #memes #christmasmemes #xmastodon #Mastodon #toot #Fediverse #funny #haha #lol #LMAO #tv #tvshow #tvshows #comedy #sitcom #sitcoms
#theoffice #theofficeus #dundermifflin #dundermifflinites #elf #buddytheelf #christmas #xmas #willferrell #christmaslights #christmas2022 #christmasfilms #christmasiscoming #meme #memes #christmasmemes #xmastodon #Mastodon #toot #Fediverse #funny #haha #lol #lmao #tv #tvshow #tvshows #comedy #sitcom #sitcoms
Boy I hope there’s #theoffice fans on here 🏢🎭 •
#theoffice #TheOfficeUS #sitcom #sitcoms #comedy #tv #TVShow #tvshows #DunderMifflin #DunderMifflinites #haha #funny #lol #LMAO #meme #memes #Fediverse #toot #Mastodon
#theoffice #theofficeus #sitcom #sitcoms #comedy #tv #tvshow #tvshows #dundermifflin #dundermifflinites #haha #funny #lol #lmao #meme #memes #Fediverse #toot #Mastodon