[#dungeon23] Raum 255: Blutige Wurzeln
Da nimmt mir Rackhir doch glatt die Sepultura-Idee für die Woche zum Thema Wurzeln weg! Na, vielen Dank!
255 – Blutige Wurzeln
Ausmaße: Eine runde Höhle mit 60 Fuß Durchmesser. Zur Mitte hin sinkt der Boden um etwa 10 Fuß ab. Entlang der Wände ist der Boden...
#dungeon23 #pnpde #syndicatedcontent
Day 254 - another very non-combat npc. Tons of opportunity for very random utility, as well, which is cool.
After over a week of being in a #Dungeon23 slump (and justifying it as a planning phase heh) I just sat down and made myself do three rooms. Felt good!
There's a reason I'm doing this, huzzah! 😎 🎲
9.11. Organ
An inexplicable instrument. The central console consists of layered keyboards, surrounded by an array of knobs and plungers, devised to call forth an addled cacophony of sound. A large pedalboard lines the floor.
Surrounding the device, an arrangement of drums, covered in synthetic membranes. Each will produce sound as the keys, knobs, plungers and pedals are manipulated.
[#dungeon23] Raum 254: Der Baum des Lebens
Es ist Narne-Montag. Schauen wir mal, wo er seine Wurzeln hat.
Raum 254 – Der Baum des Lebens
Die natürliche Höhle hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 35 Fuß, die Deckenhöhe beträgt hier etwa 7-8 Fuß.
Erdiger Geruch, vermischt mit einem Ha...
#dungeon23 #pnpde #syndicatedcontent
Week 36 of the Clatter Mons 23 ascent. The route that takes you through Moriana, leads you through both her faces. The first golden reddish rock adorned by spongey grasses. The obverse seems to be glued together by the excrement of thousands of birds, light shining through her cracks.
#Dungeon23 Days 199 - 214: Dive into the mysterious ruins of Skullhaven on an asteroid. Dark corridors, mysterious altars, and eerie chambers await exploration. #RPG #Adventure #Exploration
#Dungeon23 Tage 199 - 214: Tauche ein in die geheimnisvollen Ruinen von Skullhaven auf einem Asteroiden. Dunkle Gänge, mysteriöse Altäre und unheimliche Kammern warten darauf, erforscht zu werden. #RPG #Abenteuer #Erkundung
#dungeon23 #rpg #adventure #exploration #Abenteuer #Erkundung
Carte et descriptif du niveau 7 du mégadonjon, correspondant au mois de juillet #Dungeon23
Tomb 32: The 7th Monarch of the Plin Line
Tomb 33: The Wreckless Builder from the Illustrated Moor
Tomb 34: The Axed without Honour
9.10. Accepted Knowledge
Books cataloging all of the world’s trivial matters. If you didn’t know it already, it won’t be all that shocking once you do.
Have finally found a use for the #Freewrite Traveller - typing up the rooms of my #dungeon23. Slow process because there's a lot of them but I'm fairly fast at copy typing and don't care about typos at this stage. Also, the sun is bright right now which makes e-ink screens great and normal ones useless.
Finished the larger map fortnight of my #dungeon23 - the second week looks a bit bare where the map would be but does have a table for what unfortunate creature you extract from the time stasis menagerie. 3, 2, 1, 3 = a hand sized spiny crustacean that staggers for 1d6 rounds and then expires.
[#dungeon23] Raum 253: Das Wurzelgemüse der Wurzelgnome aus der Wurzelhöhle
Der Preis für den längsten Titel geht auf jeden Fall mal an Marcel – und dreimal dürft ihr raten, was in diesen 7 Tagen das Thema sein wird…
253 – Das Wurzelgemüse der Wurzelgnome aus...
#dungeon23 #pnpde #syndicatedcontent
Day 252 - I was worried this npc was going to feel too much like their initial inspiration, but the took on a life of their own even in just the few sentences I jotted down. Very much looking forward to additional passes on all the npcs - it should be a colorful cast of characters...
SHINRU SHARKS - twice as big as great whites & vicious
🧡🧡🧡🧡 +6 Stats, +2 Effort, 2 Actions/Round
* Devouring Bite - Near reach, WEAPON x2
* Dive Deep - Vanish into the waves for 1d4 rounds , return with full HP
* Consume Prey - if foe is bitten, shark will consume, roll STR if fail drop to 0 HP & lose 1 loot
* Bull Push - Force foes away & into deeper water.
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk #ttrpg
#city23 #dungeon23 #icrpg #ttrpg #alteredstate #cyberpunk
Also today: I have been transcribing #Knave2e tables, of which there are many, into markdown format to use with #Obsidian and the dice-roller plugin. I wrote a shell script to translate raw text C&Ps from the PDF into markdown tables because of course I did, obviously that is something I was always going to do.
It seems to be working well though I will be annoyed if the tables change noticeably by the time of release (which they probably won't).
I use Knave tables a lot in my #dungeon23 now.
#IcyNSR rules! More specialist skills, concluding the second set of moves.
PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OO8IxJDdNFzsZmH_Hlbjo0MHsFQm2-Ve/view?usp=sharing
Added a rotated #PerilInOldeWood to the heroes' path to #Dolmenwood.
#dungeon23 #dolmenwood #PerilInOldeWood
9.9. Innocuous Peculiarium
Books containing interesting phenomena, paradoxical experiences and irregular anomalies, deemed safe for the masses. A sign reads: “We’re sure it’s all harmless, we’re just not sure why.”
Since it's too hot to go out I wrote today's #dungeon23 post instead https://daisychase.net/blog/2023/09/09/dungeon23-week-23-tower-of-the-cartographer/
This is a small location centring around one particular character, Trevain the Cartographer. On the upper end of the "could see myself using this" scale, as tracking down maps is something PCs often do (and he could be easily reskinned to be some other sort of sage) but it's not necessarily a trouble-free consultation, depending a lot on how paranoid the players are.