#GTKM Get to Know Me from some of my favorite #videogames :
See my 2000 Designer Plays #SteamCurator reviews at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/6856591-Designer-Plays/
#gtkm #videogames #dwarffortress #dungeoncrawlstonesoup #factorio #thebindingofisaac #spacestation13 #supermeatboy #rimworld #distantworlds2 #prisonarchitect #cogmind #neoscavenger #ultimaonline #crusaderkingsiii #commandops2 #dominions5 #mushihimesama #supermetroid #legendofzeldaalinktothepast #steamcurator
Here’s a rambling synopsis of the setting of the #dungeonsanddragons campaign I am running at the moment. The deities in the setting are all based around the pantheon of #DungeonCrawlStoneSoup
It takes place around a set of three major islands in a section of the ocean that was banished from the Material Plane 100 years prior and sealed away by Zin, god of order and purity and Qazlal, god of sea and storms. The islands were once the home of a united civilization under the rule of a powerful…
#dungeonsanddragons #dungeoncrawlstonesoup
Ok, so we've had #7Books, #7FilmsToKnowMe, and #7SeriesToKnowMe, but I still feel the urge to recycle this format. How about #7GamesToKnowMe for the #gamers? Mine in no particular order:
#StorybookBrawl (still can't believe this got acquired by #FTX of all things...)
#games #Roguelikes #CityBuilders #Deckbuilders #GrandStrategy
#7books #7filmstoknowme #7seriestoknowme #7gamestoknowme #gamers #slaythespire #dungeoncrawlstonesoup #islanders #victoria3 #raceforthegalaxy #storybookbrawl #FTX #dominions5 #games #roguelikes #citybuilders #deckbuilders #grandstrategy
@kartagin i starych też ;) życie czasem dopadnie każdego ale powiem tak - mam masterplan - po wygrzebaniu się z projektu, który właśnie kończę zamierzam wrócić do grania, które ze względu na brak czasu musiałem zawiesić. Czekają na mnie:
#Warhammer - wiele tytułów
#ElderScrolls II,III,V
#dungeoncrawlstonesoup #elderscrolls #warhammer #wows #wot #homm3 #elitedangerous
Yet another #Introduction twist: introduce yourself using five #videogames to get to know you:
#Zork (I'm old lol)
#introduction #videogames #zork #cityofheroes #elderscrollsonline #teamfortress2 #dungeoncrawlstonesoup
Welcome to Yiufs house of maces!
#roguelike #DungeonCrawl #DungeonCrawlStoneSoup
#roguelike #dungeoncrawl #dungeoncrawlstonesoup