Je suis en train de me lancer dans un truc probablement bien trop copieux, mais ce sera intéressant dans tous les cas.
Je vais passer à foundryvtt donc faut que je comprenne comment ça marche, utiliser Dungeondraft que je découvre aussi pour faire les cartes. Et je veux intégrer des mini-jeux développés sur Unity pour des résolutions d’énigmes.
Et idéalement voir si je peux faire un module pour foundryvtt qui intègre les mini jeux directement.
🤯 #foundryvtt #dungeondraft #unity3d #unity
#foundryvtt #dungeondraft #unity3d #unity
@ibaru Habe gerade #Inkarnate für mich entdeckt, für eine Weltkarte. Bin aber noch am Anfang meiner Kartengestaltungskarriere.
Ansonsten verwende ich hin und wieder #DungeonDraft.
Update: Reworked the streets outside the bank to round out the corners based on some feedback and I really like the way it looks compared to the square corners. added some cart tracks.
got the Vault itself finished, and then decided i should make MORE work for myself and add some surrounding sewers! they should've been there to start but i guess i didn't think that far ahead.
feedback very much appreciated!
#feedback #dungeondraft #rpg #workinprogress #psysmaps
I've been running #DnD online for the last 18 months or so, on #foundryvtt . I've never had problems finding battlemaps to fit my scenarios, or (if I have to) knocking together something in #dungeondraft or #Inkarnate .
But this #SavageWorlds one-shot I'm prepping is for modern-day and I absolutely did not appreciate how hard it is to source RPG-ready modern battlemaps.
I wanted a nice mall interior and a modern dock. Not sure what I want is out there even if I pull out the wallet. #TTRPG
#DnD #foundryvtt #dungeondraft #Inkarnate #savageworlds #ttrpg
Alright, dungeon map is done. Well, "dungeon;" this is the ring station Thoth from The Expanse. My players are going to raid this place. Doors and corners, kid.
Made using #DungeonDraft and #Photoshop. Now to import it to #Roll20 and get all the lighting sorted. Wheee!
Does this map layout make sense?
#dungeondraft #photoshop #roll20 #rpg #theexpanse
Läuft, es gibt eine .zip-Datei von #Dungeondraft, deren Inhalt unter Fedora gut zu laufen scheint. Hab es eben nur mal gestartet und ein bisschen rumgedütschert, lief mit der stabilen Version glatt. #pnpde
Alter*ine, die Beleuchtungseffekte sind ja schon coool!
I'm setting up a GURPS game to play remotely via the Foundry VTT. Here is my first go at a map in Dungeondraft. A secret research station.
NotaSnark's Assets:
Here's a little work in progress of an abandoned estate map I'm working on. I also have versions from before it was abandoned, and with the different levels it will eventually be around 5 to 7 maps in total.
The map was made in #DungeonDraft using excellent assets from #ForgottenAdventures
#dungeondraft #forgottenadventures #fantasymapfriday #DnD #mapmaking
I'm working on some more SciFi assets for my Dungeondraft packs, and have some ideas on what to release next for the Travellers' Aid Society.
#ttrpg #dungeondraft
Quelques-unes des Battlemaps utilisées lors du premier scénario de notre nouvelle campagne D&D5:
- Le quai des chaines
- L'arbre de michette
- L'auberge des cerises
- La taverne du 6 de trèfle
#battlemap #DnD #jeuderole #dungeondraft #RolePlayingGames
It has been a wild 2 years! Here is every single object I've made for HellScape's Patrons. I'm filling the void for modern, scifi and post apocalyptic battlemap making, one object at a time.
#dungeondraft #VTT #TTRPG
Why yes I am recreating another battle map in #DungeonDraft with #ForgottenAdventures assets because I like the art style more than the original map. No, I don't have a problem. *twitches*
#dungeondraft #forgottenadventures #ttrpg #mapmaking
You #ttrpg folks I need inspiration for a battlemap to draw with #dungeondraft, since I'm trying it out for the first time. What sort of scenario should I make?
Some first-world #TTRPG problems!
The layout is done for my dungeon, but I'm running out of steam to fill it up. Going to take a break from this one; good thing this is for my monthly group, next month!
#ttrpg #dungeoncrawl #dungeondraft
Premier visuel complet (mais pas final) de la bourgade de Pont Girallon, futur point de départ de ma prochaine campagne D&D...
#DnD #DonjonsEtDragons #JeuDeRole #Battlemap #DungeonDraft #Roleplayinggames
#DnD #donjonsetdragons #jeuderole #battlemap #dungeondraft #RolePlayingGames
Here's another battle map, or technically two that depict the same place.
This is for a small bandit camp and depicts when the players first arrived and after cleared a blocked up cave entrance next to the waterfall. I probably didn't need to make two versions just to show the cave entrance being cleared, but I wanted to.
The map was made in #DungeonDraft using excellent assets from #ForgottenAdventures
#dungeondraft #forgottenadventures #fantasymapfriday #DnD
Here's a generic, simple map of a path just in case your players take you to a combat encounter you didn't prepare for! I prepared this one in #DungeonDraft and you can use it for #dungeonsanddragons or any other #TTRPG.
#dungeondraft #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg
When one's players are determined to follow the red herring to the scary megadungeon mentioned in the source material in passing, it behooves one to prep at least a few levels of said megadungeon...
Hollow Mountain's Shrouded Blooms, a laboratory, long abandoned, used to grow poisons and potion ingredients.
#pathfinder #RiseoftheRunelords #savageworlds #dungeondraft
This is a fairly simple battle map I put together for a small caravan camp site. This is where the players were ambushed in a #OneShot I ran a few months back.
The map was made in #DungeonDraft using excellent assets from #ForgottenAdventures
#oneshot #dungeondraft #forgottenadventures #fantasymapfriday #DnD
For my upcoming Traveller product, I wanted to include some deck plans. That required drawing them. Many Dungeondraft assets have complicated licensing though (needing to be a Patreon supporter of the artist, restrictions on streaming etc).
So I decided to draw my own. I'm not really an artist, but I think they're mostly okay. In case others find them useful, I've just put the first asset pack up on CartographyAssets, under a Free license.
#travellerrpg #dungeondraft