#Dungeon23 Tag/day 45:
Ich bin dem Albtraum im Innern des Sterns des Nordens gegenübergestanden! Die Kreatur hat das Schiff und seine Besatzung verschlungen. Ich muss einen Weg finden, um es zu bezwingen, bevor es noch mehr Unheil anrichtet.
I faced the nightmare within the Star of the North! The creature has consumed the ship and its crew. I must find a way to defeat it before it causes any more harm.
#dungeon23 #dungeonlife #fantasyhorror
Today's exercise: 20 steps from one side of basement to the other. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. . . . #ImprisonedBecauseIAmImmunocompromised. #DungeonLife
#imprisonedbecauseiamimmunocompromised #dungeonlife
Today's exercise: 20 steps from one side of basement to the other. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. . . . #ImprisonedBecauseIAmImmunocompromised. #DungeonLife
#imprisonedbecauseiamimmunocompromised #dungeonlife