#FiveEMagazine Issue 3 is available to #download for free at Drivethrurpg at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/438782/FiveE-Magazine--June-2023
#Dragon #magazine #DragonMagazine #wotc #DungeonMagazine
#dnd #5e #osr #ttrpg #maps #map #cartography #gaming #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #handdrawn #RolePlayingGame #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD5e #ADnD #DM #DungeonMaster #GM #GameMaster
#hints #tips
#FiveEMagazine #download #dragon #magazine #DragonMagazine #wotc #dungeonmagazine #DnD #5e #osr #ttrpg #maps #map #cartography #gaming #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #handdrawn #roleplayinggame #dungeonsAndDragons #dnd5e #adnd #dm #dungeonmaster #gm #gamemaster #hints #tips
The #FiveEMagazine Issue 3 Print Proof files have been uploaded. Awaiting approval from DrivethruRPG. Once it's given, I can order the print proof. Once it arrives, I can release the #FREE print version (I don't make any profit from it - you just pay the base print and postage cost). :)
#dnd #5e #dnd5e #dungeonsAndDragons #FifthEdition #Dragon #DragonMagazine #Dungeon #DungeonMagazine
#FiveEMagazine #free #DnD #5e #dnd5e #dungeonsAndDragons #fifthedition #dragon #DragonMagazine #dungeon #dungeonmagazine
#FiveEMagazine Issue 3 is available to #download for free at the a Drivethrurpg Shop link in my bio (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/438782/FiveE-Magazine--June-2023)
#Dragon #magazine #DragonMagazine #wotc #DungeonMagazine
#dnd #5e #osr #ttrpg #maps #map #cartography #gaming #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #handdrawn #RolePlayingGame #DungeonsAndDragons #DnD5e #ADnD #DM #DungeonMaster #GM #GameMaster
#hints #tips
#FiveEMagazine #download #dragon #magazine #DragonMagazine #wotc #dungeonmagazine #DnD #5e #osr #ttrpg #maps #map #cartography #gaming #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #handdrawn #roleplayinggame #dungeonsAndDragons #dnd5e #adnd #dm #dungeonmaster #gm #gamemaster #hints #tips
A few years ago, WotC gave away a 4e #DND adventure I wrote for #DungeonMagazine in Dragon+. The file is still available for download. I hope anyone who's interested enjoys it (and also, it disabuses the notion that 4e was all tactical combat all the time.)
I was reminded today of my first #penandpaper #ttrpg #campaign. We were six friends and #JohnMastodon playing #AdvancedDungeonsandDragons in the early 90s. Four of us DMed and we rotated our sessions, often meeting for 24h marathons at each other’s houses with little to no sleep. It was epic! We had #Ravenloft, #Dragonlance, basic #DnD and I was #DM for #forgottenrealms. It became the longest running campaign. We played lots of #TSR modules and #DungeonMagazine scenarios, #RuinsofUndermountain
#penandpaper #ttrpg #campaign #johnmastodon #advanceddungeonsanddragons #Ravenloft #Dragonlance #dnd #dm #forgottenrealms #tsr #dungeonmagazine #ruinsofundermountain