I spent the last week dreaming up and building a new dungeon filled with some awesome homebrew treasure for the players in my D&D campaign. Last night, the players walked up to the entrance and decided to move on without so much as a glance inside. #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #homebrew #dungeonmaster #dungeonmasterproblems
#dungeonmasterproblems #dungeonmaster #homebrew #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons #dnd
Sometimes I'll be writing some #DnD stuff, and have to fight back the urge to preemptively message the party and apologise for what I'm going to put them through.
#dnd5e #ttrpg #rpg #tabletop #writing #dungeonmasterProblems #notReallyAProblemAsSuch #NotMyProblemAnyway #myPlayersArentOnMastodonIHope
#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #rpg #tabletop #writing #dungeonmasterproblems #notreallyaproblemassuch #notmyproblemanyway #myplayersarentonmastodonihope
But really, though, is this a normal stage of campaign creation? Planning story arcs for NPCs whom you have no intention for your party to ever meet if all goes to plan? Or am I losing my mind already?
#DungeonsAndDragons #DND5e #DungeonMasterProblems
#dungeonsAndDragons #dnd5e #dungeonmasterproblems
I may have made an unforced GM error in my recent #dnd game when I led my players into a trap on a riverboat... not realize that when they of course likely win... they may suddenly own a RIVERBOAT.
I had an alright session of #dnd tonight. My players we’re weirdly quiet so I kind of threw combat at them to get something happening.
I think I’m going to need to speed run some elements of the story because we all need to get out of the Underdark
#dungeonmasterlife #dungeonmasterproblems #DnD