Das Chridtkind kennt seine Gamer einfach!
#boardgames #penandpaper #DiceGoblin #dungeonsanddragens
I just uploaded a new version of Bugbear Awakening to DMsguild: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/419321/Bugbear-Awakening. An adventure for 1-4 player characters set in the Forgotten Realms.
It now has updated stat blocks for all NPC: added personality traits and combat notes to make the DMs life easier.
#ttrpg #dnd #DungeonsAndDragens #DMsGuild # ForgottenRealms
#ttrpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragens #dmsguild
Endspurt für #pnpde Fans von Nordischer Mythologe zwischen #Midgard und #Asgard, von #Runenorakel und Epischen Abenteuern für #5e im Eis und darüberhinaus: LatePledge zum #JourneyToRagnarok #Crowdfunding endet heute. Jetzt noch mit Buch+PDF Bundle: http://cutt.ly/Valhalla - #DnD5e #DungeonsAndDragens #ulissesspiele
#pnpde #midgard #asgard #Runenorakel #5e #JourneyToRagnarok #crowdfunding #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragens #UlissesSpiele
Another map that I created for Bugbear Awakening shows the eastern part of the High Forest in the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms. I actually think that this scale this looks better than the map of the whole Sword Coast I shared a while ago.
Published as part of https://www.dmsguild.com/product/419321/Bugbear-Awakening
#ttrpg #DungeonsAndDragens #DnD #DnD5 #ForgottenRealms #inkarnate
#ttrpg #dungeonsanddragens #dnd #dnd5 #forgottenrealms #Inkarnate
I’m in a WoW themed D&D campaign. This is my Tauren shaman Nova Rustpelt. I’m stuck with two trigger happy blood elves and an undead. Wish me luck.
#d&D #dungeonsanddragens #worldofwarcaft #forthehorde #digitaldrawing #procreate #art
#art #procreate #digitaldrawing #forthehorde #worldofwarcaft #dungeonsanddragens #d
Preparation for chapter 4 of #BugbearAwakening for #FoundryVTT done.
Maps created using #Inkarnate
#ttrpg #dnd #DungeonsAndDragens
#bugbearawakening #foundryvtt #Inkarnate #ttrpg #dnd #dungeonsanddragens
Another map that I created for Bugbear Awakening shows the eastern part of the High Forest in the Sword Coast of the Forgotten Realms. I actually think that this scale this looks better than the map of the whole Sword Coast I shared a while ago.
Published as part of https://www.dmsguild.com/product/419321/Bugbear-Awakening
#ttrpg #DungeonsAndDragens #DnD #DnD5 #ForgottenRealms #inkarnate
#ttrpg #dungeonsanddragens #dnd #dnd5 #forgottenrealms #Inkarnate