June was an interesting month for my #dungon23 #DoomGate project. I had some mapping choices that I'm not 100% sold on, but also give the players a limited use teleport device...
6.28. Hidden Chamber
A large mechanical device takes up much of the room. At the device's center, a swirling vortex of blue energy.
Studying some of the scientific papers stuck to the walls, it can be discerned that the device is, essentially, a time machine. The various apparatuses attached to the portal will allow for imprecise jumps back in time by several hours.
#dungon23 #firefly23
2/4/23, day 35
This submarine that does not exist has been reported in the oceans of the Core, Border, and Rim of the 'Verse. But that is impossible since submarines are not space worthy craft
#dungon23 #firefly23
1/4/23, day 4
Details of the activities of Malcom Reynolds are of interest to the Alliance and Browncoats
The Rending, day 7/7, post 1/2:
Yyrdath, Darion, and Wodaine together banished the physical form of Szavaros and bound its spirit within the ash cloud, creating the Veil, where now the power of the primordial manifests by sapping the energy from anything that enters it, preventing the passage of both living and undead.
#aerithea23 #dungon23 #worldbuilding #worldbuilding23 #setting23
The Rending, day 6/7, post 2/2:
Yyrdath acquiesced, and Wodaine also pledged support, believing the undead minions of Kaindroth to be an abomination. Shakas gathered the moisture within the ash cloud and caused snow to gather on the Peaks and fallen Akathar, amplifying Hrati's light to the point where it was intolerable to Vaedasson after so many years in darkness.
#aerithea23 #dungon23 #worldbuilding #worldbuilding23 #setting23
The Rending, day 6/7 (skipped yesterday because i can't count lol), post 1/2:
Seeing the survivors emerge from the clouds after years of silence, Hrati and Iaia petitioned Yyrdath to intervene and restrain the ancient enemy, Szavaros, asking Yyrdath to preserve civilization and perhaps even life itself.
#aerithea23 #dungon23 #worldbuilding #worldbuilding23 #setting23
The Rending, day 5/7:
Enraged by the escaping souls, Vaedasson directed Kaindroth to send the undead armies in pursuit above the ash cloud, and he was glad for the opportunity to add to his untold legions.
Szavaros also gave chase, and the very air vibrated with the primordial force's approach.
#aerithea23 #dungon23 #worldbuilding #worldbuilding23 #setting23
#dungon23 dry run
10. White marble pillars veined in blood garnet and ringed with brass spikes every 3' up to the 25' ceiling. The walls are covered in murals of chaos warriors marauding. Hidden behind one is a chest with 4,000sp, 600gp.
The Rending, day 4/7, post 2/2:
Those who were able fled from the hordes in the only direction that remained to them. Ascending the slopes of the newly formed Peaks, the refugees sought Hrati's light and respite from the burning rain.
Many more died in that desperate journey, but when all hope was gone, Darion persuaded Shakas to disperse the ash cloud somewhat by sending favorable winds to aid the sojourners.
#aerithea23 #dungon23 #worldbuilding #worldbuilding23 #setting23