Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses!

We'd love to welcome you to our Open Evening on Thursday 21 September (details on the image!).

We have spaces in all four lines, so do join us for our 'taster night' to check out what we do.

As is often the fate of choirs, we need a few extra tenors and basses, so if you know any shower singers or karaoke crooners with lovely voices, please bring them along!

Please share. Thank you! 😊

#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #dunlaoghairerathdown

Last updated 1 year ago

Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses!
We'd love to welcome you to our Open Evening on Thursday 21 September (details to the right of the dude!).
We have spaces in all four lines, so do join us for our 'taster night' to check out what we do.
As we always need a few extra tenors and basses, if you know any shower singers or karaoke crooners with gorgeous voices, please bring them along!
Please share far and wide. Thank you! 😊

#dunlaoghairechoralsociety #dlcs #dlcsopenevening #dunlaoghairerathdown

Last updated 1 year ago

Monkstown Parish Church of Ireland looking rather tropical the other day! 🌞🌴

This is where we'll be singing Antonin Dvorak's divine Stabat Mater tomorrow fortnight, 20 May @ 7:30 PM.

Do join us. Tickets from Eventbrite.

#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dublinevents #choralmusic #choral #dlr #dunlaoghairerathdown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown

Last updated 2 years ago

Tickets are ON SALE NOW for our May concert, Antonín Dvořák’s exquisite Stabat Mater.

Get yours here: 🎵

Dvořák’s Stabat Mater is rarely performed in this part of the 🌍 so this is your chance to see it live... ✨

We're looking forward to seeing you there! 💕

Please share 🙏

Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate babies and young children at our concerts.

#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dublinevents #dunlaoghairerathdown #dlr

Last updated 2 years ago

Cllr Oisín O'Connor · @OisinOConnor
390 followers · 108 posts · Server

A question I submitted to this week's Joint Policing Committee regarding speeding in the county (DMR East Garda District ~ Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown).

The reply shows that just over half of all speeding fines issued by Gardai are on 50kph roads.

Overall, 4,000 speeding fines are 4,000 too many.

#roadsafety #speeding #RoadViolence #dunlaoghairerathdown

Last updated 2 years ago