JOIN US for a Romantic masterpiece that runs the full gamut of human emotion!
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Do. Dublin @ 7.30 PM
Tix: http://tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS / door
Doors open @ 7.00 PM
Looking forward to seeing you there! 💕
#dvorakdlcs #DLCS #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #dunlaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
#dvorakdlcs #dlcs #dvorakinspo #dvorak #dlr #choir #choral #choralmusic #DunLaoghaire #dunlaoghairetown #Monkstown #monkstownvillage #dublinevents
A sneak peek at our rehearsal tonight with full orchestra and soloists! 🌙
I can't describe how soulful and downright gorgeous this music is. You just have to be there... ✨
Only two more sleeps...
Church of Ireland, Monkstown, Co. Dublin
Saturday 20 May @ 7.30 PM
Tickets €20 / €15 @ tinyurl.com/dvorakDLCS or on the door
#DLCS #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #dunlaoghaire #monkstown
#dlcs #dvorakdlcs #choral #choralmusic #dlr #dublinevents #dunlaoghairetown #DunLaoghaire #Monkstown
“And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.” - Genesis 9:17
Dun Laogheire, Ireland
📷Fujifilm X-T5 - XF 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 R LM OIS WR
📸 18mm f5.6 1/1700
#photography #fujifilm #ireland #dunlaoghairetown