@Josteglitz @franckraisch
Das hab ich hier vor ein paar Monaten aufgeschnappt:
The spooky memorial near Dunning in Perthshire to Maggie Wall, "burnt here 1657 as a witch". No historical trace has ever been found of Maggie Wall, so the background to the memorial is something of a mystery. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/dunning/maggiewall/index.html
#Scotland #MaggieWall #Memorial #Witch #Dunning #Perthshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #perthshire #dunning #witch #memorial #maggiewall #scotland
The Tyee: Hereâs the Only Path to Real Change in Alberta https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/05/24/Only-Path-To-Change-In-Alberta/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #AlbertaHeritageSavingsTrustFund #politicalscientistTerryLynnKarl #Albertaabandonedoilandgaswells #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #PrimeMinisterJustinTrudeau #Albertaoilsandsinvestment #UnitedConservativeParty #DunningâKrugereffect #oilandgasroyalties #Albertapetrostate #AndrewNikiforuk #Albertawildfire #Faroukal-Kasim #RockyMountains
#BCNews #TheTyee #albertaheritagesavingstrustfund #politicalscientistterrylynnkarl #albertaabandonedoilandgaswells #AlbertaPremierDanielleSmith #primeministerjustintrudeau #albertaoilsandsinvestment #UnitedConservativeParty #dunning #oilandgasroyalties #albertapetrostate #AndrewNikiforuk #albertawildfire #faroukal #rockymountains
Erst waren âwirâ #Papst, #FuĂballweltmeister, dann #Virologen, im Winter #Energiesparer und jetzt #Experten fĂŒr #Klima bzw. #Heizung . Ach ja, #IT kann auch jeder, der den Einschaltknopf findet.
Schon krass, was âwirâ so draufhaben, oder?
#dunning #profi #it #heizung #klima #experten #energiesparer #Virologen #fuĂballweltmeister #papst
Here's what's right about a climate denier:
- Doesn't blindly accept science.
Here's what's wrong about a climate denier:
- Insufficient knowledge and skills to appraise it.
#ClimateDenial #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #Science #Logic #Dunning-Kruger #CognitiveBias
#climatedenial #climateemergency #climatecrisis #science #logic #dunning #cognitivebias
#SelbstĂŒberschĂ€tzung #Psychologie//Karriere trotz Inkompetenz: Wie der #Dunning-Kruger-Effekt zum Erfolg fĂŒhrt https://amp2.handelsblatt.com/karriere/karriere-trotz-inkompetenz-wie-der-dunning-kruger-effekt-den-falschen-zu-erfolg-verhilft/28952870.html
#selbstuberschatzung #psychologie #dunning
Wenn Leute, die jeden #Verschwörerquatsch glauben dem GegenĂŒber etwas von #Dunning-#Kruger-#Effekt unterstellen, weiĂ man: hier hilft nix mehr. #coronaleugner #KlimaLeugner #putinfans âŠ
#verschworerquatsch #dunning #kruger #effekt #coronaleugner #klimaleugner #putinfans
@gernhuijberts #Dunning-Kruger is een statistisch artefact. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.840180/full
#Dunning-Kruger-Effekt effect
The DunningâKruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.Wikipedia
I wish someone made a quiz that could tell me exactly where I am on the #Dunning-Kruger chart.
I wish someone made a quiz that could tell me exactly where I am on the #Dunning-Kruger chart.
Interesting article in The #Register about #ChatGPT. TLDR: its #Dunning-krueger-as-a-service. It doesn't know what its talking about, but it is able to make stuff up convincingly, and it doesn't care. In an age of disinformation, this is very dangerous.
Ah, #thanksgiving . That time of year when scholars across the land go home to have family members "correct" them about things on which they're world-f&cking-experts.
(Oh, and to have people ask whether they've considered applying for a job at the local university. But that's kinda charming.)
BS=5. The magnitude of the #Dunning-Krueger effect in the #turfgrass industry never ceases to amaze us.
Granular iron is almost entirely useless. Research conducted on your turfgrass in your state refutes any use of granular iron except when it is chelated, and even then a turfgrass response is rare.
Todos debemos atravesar el monte de la estupidez cuando aprendemos alguna nueva materia. Un lugar peligroso donde, si permanecemos mucho tiempo nos jugamos familia, amigos, la hacienda.. e incluso la vida.
No obstante hay especies que prosperan en este habitat hostil y se establecen en el permanentemente. Tertulianos de radiotelevisiĂłn por ejemplo.
#humor #dunning-kruger