On the Monday after a weekend of raging #antisemitism on #Xitter by #ElonMusk , @Wikipedia posts a “Did you know…” article with a lede about “the first rule of #DunningKruger club”? 😂
#antisemitism #xitter #elonmusk #dunningkruger
@MatthewPCooke @marick @JeffGrigg @tfb @jaymcgrath I wonder what % of company cultures are "#SalesLed"? And how that might be correlated with an ability/desire for Complex Systems Thinking, vs, say magical thinking (with a dash of #DunningKruger)?
Fuck. Is John Lauro the best lawyer I can afford, actually? He sucks! Like nobody ever saw before. I know more about the law than all these bums. It’s true. I’m a legal genius. I should represent myself. I’ll run rings around Jack Smith and Judge Chutkan with my sharp, cutting legal mind. Believe me.
Elon is a lot like me, actually. He:
—Is entitled
—Is narcissistic
—Is a bully
—Exploited his Dad’s money
—Is fat and out-of-condition
But, unlike me, he’s a dumbass who thinks he’s a genius. Sad. Believe me.
#PeasInAPod #DumbAndDumber #DunningKruger #Trump #ElonMusk
#ElonMusk #Trump #dunningkruger #dumbanddumber #peasinapod
Reading: https://daedtech.com/how-developers-stop-learning-rise-of-the-expert-beginner/ #DunningKruger
Author of spoof story shared by Greg Abbott calls him one of ‘dumbest people in the country’
#texas #gregabbott #dunningkruger
Sounds like the Dunning-Krueger effect! #psychoanalysis #psychology #psychiatry #psychotherapy #dunningkruger #philosophy #philosophyofmind #academicmastodon
#psychoanalysis #psychology #psychiatry #psychotherapy #dunningkruger #philosophy #philosophyofmind #academicmastodon
@martinpallmann @grouchox @Nike_Leonhard @remy9999 @tagesschau „ich kenne mich da echt nicht aus“ hätte völlig gelangt. #dunningkruger #geschwafel
O caso da reacção ao cartoon por parte da #PSP e de sindicatos é um misto do efeito #DunningKruger e de "serviu-te a carapuça". Não podiam ter caído em descrédito maior num só acto (quer dizer, lembro-me de uma série de actos que causariam maior descrédito, mas de actuações mais ou menos policiais, não disto).
A #PSP tem noção do que é o efeito #DunningKruger, certo? Até à queixa deles eu não fazia ideia da existência do cartoon. Faz uma crítica ao racismo ao mostrar um polícia a disparar sobre alvos e a ir progressivamente acertando em mais nos alvos, de um falhanço completo no de cor de pele mais clara, a acertar várias vezes no de cor mais escura.
Acho que é uma americanização de um problema grave nas forças de segurança portuguesas, mas é um cartoon, mesmo incorrecto ou excessivo. É um cartoon.
#Texas Governor #GregAbbott is a #MAGA moron who should be awarded a #DunningKruger medal! 😂 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/greg-abbott-garth-brooks_n_6498ffdce4b0aec6b801c8a8
At his next concert, #GarthBrooks should sing “Bubba Shot the Jukebox” and dedicate it to #GregAbbott ! 😂
#texas #gregabbott #MAGA #dunningkruger #garthbrooks
If this so-called "Fediverse" burns to the ground, it won't be caused by any #Meta shenanigans, but by a weird mix of #DunningKruger and #MobMentality of a vocal part of its inhabitants.
#meta #dunningkruger #mobmentality
"The Price of Ignorance: what do we lose when we only care about data but not knowledge" - Catia Pesquita is referring to the Dunning-Kruger Effect in her Keynote at #isws2023
#knowledgegraphs #semanticweb #knowledge #dunningKruger #summerschool @catiapesquita
#isws2023 #KnowledgeGraphs #semanticweb #knowledge #dunningkruger #summerschool
On The Reception And Detection Of Pseudo-Profound Bullsh*t
https://doi.org/10.1017/S1930297500006999 <-- shared 2015 paper
[it would be interesting to see what the author of this 2015 paper thought about what ChatGPT, AI in general, etc is ‘bringing to the table’ in this regard]
“It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullsh*t requires no such conviction.” – Harry Frankfurt
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorial ideation #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorialideation #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy #conspiracytheories #AI #chatgpt #aichatbot #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #misinformation #fraud #scams #scam #judgement #dunningkruger #skepticism
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorial #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy #conspiratorialideation #conspiracytheories #AI #chatgpt #aichatbot #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #misinformation #fraud #scams #Scam #judgement #dunningkruger #skepticism
The only people who would make good judges are those who think it would be extremely difficult to be a good judge. If you think you could easily make judgement calls on legal opinions, you’re either too arrogant or too witless to be a good judge. Ego drives judges. Same as it drives politicians, doctors, film directors, and trial lawyers. It’s 90% bluster and 10% talent. #DunningKruger
Ever wondered who the heck those flat earth believers are? According to new #SciComm #research it's people with low scientific literacy that are highly overconfident. 🙈 #DunningKruger
👉 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/09636625231166255
Oh dear... Let's improve #science literacy then! 💪
FYI: The study is based on an analysis of Spanish YouTube videos on the subject and a survey of >1000 individuals.
#scicomm #research #dunningkruger #Science #sciencemastodon #wisskomm #AcademicMastodon
@oldmankris @lizardbill Someone will probably cite the #DunningKruger effect here, but the thing is that if you stick with something honestly long enough, your self-assessed skill drops back down out of the DK delusional high
Hat eine*r von euch zufällig noch die Quelle parat, dass der #DunningKruger-Effekt gar nicht wahr ist oder anders oder reverse oder irgendsowas? Weiß es nicht meh DOCH:
"Are there dumb people who do not realize they are dumb? Sure, but that was never what the #Dunning-#Kruger effect was about. Are there people who are very confident and arrogant in their ignorance? Absolutely, but here too, Dunning and Kruger did not measure confidence or arrogance back in 1999."
#dunningkruger #Dunning #Kruger