Unmasking the Dunning-Kruger Effect: Embracing Humility for Growth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gz4sZ9UiaEI
Come explore the fascinating world of the Dunning Kruger Effect with us! This psychological phenomenon can help us cultivate humility and embrace our journey towards personal development and self improvement. Subscribe to our channel for more interesting information like this!
#DunningKrugerEffect #PsychologicalPhenomenon #Expertise #InterpersonalRelationships #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement
#selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #interpersonalrelationships #expertise #psychologicalphenomenon #dunningkrugereffect
Whew! It’s always the guy who believes in #aliens who calls me an idiot! #adhominem #ufo #uap #DunningKrugerEffect
#aliens #AdHominem #ufo #uap #dunningkrugereffect
@MoonlightShade yes, it’s hoaxes, lies, wild speculation and conspiracy theories. The “whistleblowers” contradicting each others’ stories is a big clue. See #DunningKrugerEffect . #ufo #uap
#dunningkrugereffect #ufo #uap
@signalblur … and so, the logical conclusion is… aliens. What if Marco Rubio and the congress tells you, “we can’t tell you why, but it’s not aliens.”
Of course he won’t, LOL. That part of the defense budget is not subject to congressional oversight, which is why it is the perfect venue to publicly vent these conspiracy theories. #ufo #uap #DunningKrugerEffect
#ufo #uap #dunningkrugereffect
@signalblur Finding yourself in good company with the conspiracy loving #insurrectionists I see. Nobody will think you’re having them on, now. #ufo #uap #DunningKrugerEffect
#insurrectionists #ufo #uap #dunningkrugereffect
@signalblur That evidence says, “…aliens.”I get it. Again, you don’t have to prove it to me. You feel this need to spread your idea. A peer review in a scientific journal would be a bother, but there is credibility of experts to rely on. #DunningKrugerEffect , #ufo , #uap
#dunningkrugereffect #ufo #uap
Why you’re hardwired to trust confident voices, even when they’re wrong
Explains the popularity and success of most of our politicians, especially those taught at private school to be confident from a very early age
#psychology #neuroscience #confidence #politics #evolution #DunningKrugerEffect
via @Garwboy
#dunningkrugereffect #evolution #politics #confidence #neuroscience #psychology
The controllers of the military budget, which is in no way subject to congressional oversight, are thrilled with the idea that a new generation says “… but aliens!” Money well spent. #uap #DunningKrugerEffect #DavidGrusch
#uap #dunningkrugereffect #davidgrusch
Let’s engage in another 80 years of speculation, hmm? #DunningKrugerEffect , uap
This is for everyone excited about the recent #uap happenings. Please see #DunningKrugerEffect .
The #DunningKrugerEffect does not exist as such. Still, when I hear my boss (chemist) commenting on bioinformatics ("I cannot understand that" and "this is not comprehensible for ME" are frequent remarks), I cannot stop wondering whether the presumed mechanisms of Dunning & Kruger are at work here - why else would he consider these valid arguments? These arguments particularly work against(!) workflow engines on our #HPC system as opposed to serial scripts ... 🤔
Oh, dear.
I just realized that when most talk about the #DunningKrugerEffect, we are probably experiencing the #DunningKruger Effect about the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_Effect_01.svg
#dunningkrugereffect #dunningkruger
Dies wurde bereits erforscht. Man nennt es den #DunningKrugerEffect
aka Dunning-Kruger-Effect. Aber Bukowski hat das treffend zusammen gefasst.
#charlesbukowski #dunningkrugereffect
Also, authority is overrated. Conversations with people who recognize they don't know everything are far more productive than ones where people conclusively know the right answer (or just think they do).
#DunningKrugerEffect is also on your side, so speak up indeed!
Het Diepenheim-Kaag effect:
Als je niet snapt dat 'iemand met 50 fakkels opwachten' niet hetzelfde is als 'in gesprek gaan'.
#dunningkrugereffect #Fakkels #Kaag #diepenheim
Cognitive neuroscientist explains why stupidity is an existential threat to America.
There is a huge difference between ignorance and stupidity.
#ignorance #stupidity #evolution #politics #DunningKrugerEffect
#ignorance #stupidity #evolution #politics #dunningkrugereffect
> The #DunningKruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area. This tends to occur because a lack of self-awareness prevents them from accurately assessing their own skills.
How does this effect overlap with #Bullshit, #PreProgaganda, #Intellectuals, #ManSplaining... ?
#DunningKrugerEffect #Psychology
#psychology #dunningkrugereffect #mansplaining #intellectuals #PreProgaganda #bullshit #dunningkruger