Dunnottar Castle, near Aberdeen, is apparently a tower house. You can see the tower on the right. You can also see the rail of the path that goes down-down-down and then up-up-up to access it. Also, on the left, the larger main residence built in the 15th or 16th century.
#dunnottarcastle #scotland #lotsofrocks #notacastleaday
The craggy shore of Aberdeenshire as seen from Dunnottar Castle.
#Photography #Aberdeenshire #DunnottarCastle #Scotland
#scotland #dunnottarcastle #aberdeenshire #photography
The magnificent Dunnottar Castle on the Aberdeenshire coast south of Stonehaven. Probably a defensive site for two thousand years or more, no other Scottish castle comes close in terms of a sense of sheer brooding impregnability. More pics and info: https://www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk/stonehaven/dunnottarcastle/index.html
#Scotland #DunnottarCastle #Dunnottar #Castle #Stonehaven #Aberdeenshire #UndiscoveredScotland
#undiscoveredscotland #aberdeenshire #stonehaven #castle #Dunnottar #dunnottarcastle #scotland
We recently enjoyed re-visiting our #Stonehaven - #DunnottarCastle route, and have updated the guidance … 😀
#scotland #aberdeenshire #hiking #walking #dunnottarcastle #stonehaven
Today, Stonehaven💙 #walking #coastalwalking #stonehaven #stonehavenharbour #dunnottarcastle #aberdeenshire #walkingaberdeenshire
#walkingaberdeenshire #aberdeenshire #dunnottarcastle #stonehavenharbour #stonehaven #coastalwalking #walking