Finde es nicht übertrieben, wenn man sich zu dem Jubel »#Dunsany IST der Vater der modernen Phantastik« hinreissen lässt.
Possibly my favourite #Dunsany book is his very first, “The Gods of Pegāna”, an incredibly clever and warm and funny invented mythology that covers a lot of ground from scratch in under 100 pages. I particularly love the extended gag about the self-elected High Priests, what the gods think of them (if at all), and how they solve the mystery of Death (or not).
In the UK, it’s at the back of a chunky Fantasy Masterworks omnibus, “Time and the Gods”, which is terrific value for money.
Well, that explains the sore feet on Mondays 😂 Thanks for having us #Kilkenny. Our next venues are:
White Sands Hotel, #Portmarnock on Sunday, 2nd July, 11am-5:30pm
#Abbeyleix Manor Hotel, #Laois on Sunday, 9th July, 12pm-5:30pm
Royal Marine Hotel, #DunLaoghaire on Sunday, 6th August, 11am-5:30pm
Killeen Castle Golf Resort, #Dunsany, #Meath on Sunday 13th August, 12pm-5:30pm
#kilkenny #portmarnock #abbeyleix #Laois #DunLaoghaire #dunsany #meath
In a 1921 essay on #Dunsany, #Lovecraft gives a list of terrible Modernist writers of whom, he feels, his beloved Dunsany is the direct opposite. It includes James Branch #Cabell, who is often mentioned as one of the few writers who are really similar to Dunsany.
#dunsany #Lovecraft #cabell #books #fantasy #horror
Wer nur eine Story von Lord #Dunsany lesen möchte, wähle doch "The Fortress Unvanquishable, save for Sacnoth". Sie ist in der Sammlung "The Sword of Welleran" enthalten, die Projekt #Gutenberg als Ebook bietet. Ob es nun die erste #swordandsorcery -Geschichte ist, wer weiß. Böse Zauberer aus dem All, Schwerter aus dem Rückgrat eines Riesenkrokodils, Kamelritter, unaussprechliche Götternamen... es lohnt sich. #appendixn
#dunsany #gutenberg #swordandsorcery #appendixn