Håndverk, lek og poesi på Samisk Hus i Oslo når Oslo Sámi Duodji arrangerer kafé og Ida Benonisen er invitert til å lese dikt.
#duodji #slampoesi #allheimen #norskutviklet #handverk
The rules for the Sámi #tafl game Tablut were written down by Carl #Linnaeus in 1732, who learned to play it on a board embroidered on reindeer hide with pieces made in traditional Sámi #boardgame #duodji style.
Among the Lule #Sámi words he wrote down, "tuichu" (dujgu) is somewhat mysterious as its literal meaning is uncertain. "Dujgu" was said when a player positioned their King so that it had not just one but two open paths to escape the board, winning.
#tafl #linnaeus #boardgame #duodji #sami #indigenousgames