540 day streak on #Duolingo learning #Ukrainian !
I'm a bit sad that I finished the course now, and there is no more 'new content'/new words for me via #Duolingo .
Now moving onto Youtube, kids books, kids movies and Ukrainian language music to try to keep improving.
What other resources do people use for learning new languages? (or Ukranian in particular!)
Duolingo French gets it. Dusting and gardening should be once a year or not at all jobs because, whatever you do, it all comes back.
#housework #frenchatforty #french #duolingo
Something I'm finding interesting about learning #Yiddish with #Duolingo is I seem to be fixing difficult vocab by learning (oversimplified) etymology.
Difficult words that have stuck, as a result, are וועטשערע (vetshere, 'dinner', compare večer, Croatian for 'evening') and אײַנגעמאַכטס (ayngemakhts, 'jam', from אײַנ־ (ayn-) + מאַכן (makhn) meaning 'preserved' or, more literally 'made into a new state', cognate to German angemacht)
Baglyocska kicsit megbuggyant. Már réges rég nyomorgattam a gombjait ma is.🤦♀️
I did not expect to wake up to Duo’s lewds this morning… 🫣
Thinking about how #duolingo is just dropping courses for less "commercial" languages for example #esperanto despite their popularity and that these courses are largely built for free by volunteer enthusiasts.
Perhaps there is an opening here for an #opensource platform for building and consuming language courses that can be hosted cheaply and can exist as long as people want them. Doesn't necessarily need to be a straight Duolingo clone.
#duolingo #esperanto #opensource
Normally I would be really upset about anything hooking me onto a screen as I believe the attention economy is extremely harmful to modern civilization. Yet, somehow however I don’t mind #Duolingo hacking my brain as I finally feel like I’m actually learning something. (On a related note, I’m learning #Danish 🇩🇰 and quite enjoying it. #Swedish 🇸🇪 will be next and hopefully it will be followed by #Japanese 🇯🇵)
#duolingo #danish #swedish #japanese
Végre megszereztem!🤩 És egy ilyen lett belőle.🤔 Nem áll szándékomban a délutánjaimat Baglyocska nyomorgatásával tölteni.🙄 Most is csak azért jött össze, mert ♾❤️m lett a Legendary feladatokban is, és a Kanjik is megjelentek az írásjegyek között.
Mivel az első 30-at már évek óta ismerem, így nem volt nehéz 2 nap alatt ezeket kivégezni.😎 És hála az égnek az eheti csapat nem hajtott Sztahanov babérjaira.😁
Moje małe zwycięstwo!
Jeśli potrafię utrzymać nawyk nauki języków przez 100 dni, to z innymi nawykami nie powinno być problemów. 🦾
Z jakich aplikacji do śledzenia nawyków korzystacie? Ja idę w prostotę i używam kalendarza na telefonie.
I recently started taking #Dutch on #Duolingo because this still appears to be the cheapest way for a citizen of the #UnitedStates to get residency in #Europe
#dutch #duolingo #unitedstates #europe #dafttreaty #Netherlands #expatriate
#duolingo という結構知られている語学学習アプリを始めてみてんだが、クイズ形式なのである程度知ってる言語はなんとかなるが基礎もなんにもない場合にこれで学習できるとは思えない。中国語は最初のレッスンで発音記号のクイズが出て、ローマ字読みでなんとかしたが、これでこの先行ける気がしない。課金しないといくつか間違えるとその先に進めなくなってしまうし。