@JackTheCat itโs not always ideal for tourist trips though. Early lessons in Duolingo Italian somewhat short of useful stuff but Iโm well up on my animals if I ever go to an Italian zoo! #DuolingoItalian
Is this an arbitrary milestone? Am I glad I've reached it? Have I learned a lot? Do I still have a long way to go? Yes, yes, yes, and goodness yes. Sรฌ, oui, ja, mhmm.
#Duolingo #DuolingoStreak #DuolingoItalian #DuolingoFrench #DuolingoGerman #DuolingoSpanish #DuolingoGreek #DuolingoHebrew #DuolingoRussian #DuolingoCamraeg #DuolingoLatin #LanguageLearning
#duolingo #duolingostreak #duolingoitalian #duolingofrench #duolingogerman #duolingospanish #duolingogreek #duolingohebrew #duolingorussian #duolingocamraeg #duolingolatin #languagelearning
Kann das sein, dass die Duolingo-Server kurz vorm Zusammenbrechen sind? Alles dauert eeewig lang, so macht das nicht mehr richtig Spaร. Oder ist das nur bei mir so?
#duolingo #duolingostreak #duolingoitalian
Ist es schlimm, wenn ich ein Lily Plushie haben mรถchte?
@pwaring Iโve just seen this! Youโll see me popping up as a follower any minute now ๐ #DuolingoItalian #DuolingoSpanish
#duolingospanish #duolingoitalian
Finally sorting out a Pinned Post since discovering ### donโt work in Profiles!
Iโll be posting, boosting etc on the following:
#politics #ScottishPolitics #ScottishIndependence
All things #Ukraine but mostly war stuff
#Books #Reading & #ScienceFiction #SciFi
Oh, and #StarTrek
Some #Catholic stuff
#Cats #Possums & occasionally other beasties
#DuolingoSpanish & #DuolingoItalian
Any random stuff that interests me
#duolingoitalian #duolingospanish #Possums #cats #catholic #startrek #scifi #sciencefiction #reading #books #ukraine #scottishindependence #scottishpolitics #politics
@pwaring Oh God. Itโs not just me then? #DuolingoItalian #DuolingoSpanish
#duolingospanish #duolingoitalian
@markmcelroy - oooh, good tip re Star Trek! #DuolingoSpanish #DuolingoItalian
#duolingoitalian #duolingospanish
Hello Mastadon #formuladank #cycling #nflhockey #cats #smufootball #zags #duolingoitalian #pooletown #AFCBournemouth #welsh #encinitas #memes
#formuladank #cycling #nflhockey #cats #smufootball #zags #duolingoitalian #pooletown #AFCBournemouth #welsh #encinitas #memes