Duolingo French is currently pronouncing the preposition “y” as “i-grec” as if it was just the letter, and while I know it’s a bug I find it weirdly charming. #duolinguo
Duo looking at me aggressively. Please don't hurt me #duo. I'll do my daily lessons...
#多邻国 #Duolinguo 能不能彻底移除那种「遇见某个npc若干次」的每日任务啊?对练习而言屁用没有不说,要是遇到不喜欢的npc还会莫名其妙被恶心到。换成「做若干分钟练习」「完成若干个听力练习」都要好多了。
(最讨厌那个自诩艺术家的男胖子,叫什么忘了,小男孩也不喜欢,听到他声音就开始烦躁 :aru_0100: )
Plus qu'une centaine d'emails en "retard". Disons qu'ils ont été envoyés avec un timbre vert et n'en parlons plus...
De toute façon ça attendra demain, je me fais un shoot de #loinduciel (https://www.twitch.tv/loinduciel) et c'est parti pour 8 heures de #duolinguo (euh non, de #DelphiCon). 😀
#loinduciel #duolinguo #delphicon
I may not be consistent with a lot of my old habits but I’ve kept up my Japanese learning streak for this long. Happy with myself for sticking with it. #duolinguo
I need to learn to stick to one or two (three?) languages, rather than returning to French every now and then, flirting with Korean, and chasing the next shiny course. #duolinguo
I need to learn to stick to one or two (three?) languages, rather than returning to French every now and then, flirting with Korean, and chasing the next shiny course. #duolinguo
Je me lance dans l’espéranto ! 🌍J’espère pouvoir tenir le rythme ! Souhaitez moi bonne chance ! #esperanto #duolinguo #PetitDéfiPerso
#esperanto #duolinguo #petitdefiperso
*husband and I discuss plans in Russian*
First-grader: Hey! I know something you just said! You said... "not"!
#Duolinguo paying off for that kid. 😅
Messed up my first duolingo task a bit this morning leaving me with just one heart.
Ploughed on regardless and got all the way to the last question of my second task without any errors. On the last question I couldn't remember if it was dw i mynd or dw i'n mynd picked the wrong one, got it wrong, lost the heart and 100% and failed the task. Dw i ddim yn hoffi duolingo heddiw. Dw i dysgu Cymraeg.
Tomorrow is a big day — it’ll be my 1,000th day streak on #duolinguo. I started learning Chinese as an activity to bring repetition and structure to my day during the pandemic, and I never quite expected to get this far.
300 days with the bird that still works!
Imparare nuove lingue con software open source
È possibile imparare nuove lingue utilizzando solo software open source? Noi pensiamo di sì e vi proponiamo qualche alternativa interessante
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2021/12/06/imparare-nuove-lingue-con-software-open-source/
#OltreGoogle #dizionario #duolinguo #frasi #inglese #lingua #lingue #russo #spagnolo
#OltreGoogle #dizionario #duolinguo #frasi #inglese #lingua #lingue #russo #spagnolo
Imparare nuove lingue con software open source
È possibile imparare nuove lingue utilizzando solo software open source? Noi pensiamo di sì e vi proponiamo qualche alternativa interessante
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2021/12/06/imparare-nuove-lingue-con-software-open-source/
#OltreGoogle #alternative #dizionario #duolinguo #frasi #inglese #lingua #lingue #russo #spagnolo
#OltreGoogle #alternative #dizionario #duolinguo #frasi #inglese #lingua #lingue #russo #spagnolo