Human beings need time to recharge, restore and sleep. Even the #crazy ones.
Granted, many a #narcissist, #borderline, #histrionic seem to have a super human to keep the fires of #anger, #hostility, #aggression and #drama going for unusually protracted periods. They also need time to regroup, recharge and reload the Crazy Super Soaker with vinegar or more corrosive substances.
Don't confuse the offers of extra cold weather clothes for the kids, Christmas ornaments, extra summertime garden vegetables, etc., for a burgeoning ability to truly #coparent. The #NPD, #BPD, #HPD parent is likely either:
a) In between relationships and, thus, feeling less emboldened to be their usual rotten selves.
b) In between relationships/pissed off their usual #enabler(s) and, thus, feeling less emboldened to be their usual rotten selves and want something from you. For example, trading days, extra time to go to Disney World, agreeing to change kid schools or pediatricians, etc.
c) In between relationships, out of a job (again) or some other self-inflicted shitshow and are gearing up to ask for money.
d) Already have their next nasty Wile E. Coyote scheme in the works or are about to execute and are feeling giddy, jaunty, #DupersDelight or Machiavellian glee anticipating another Lucy Van Pelt yanking the football away again and laughing at Charlie Brown (i.e., you) falling on your back again.
e) Has finally burnt themselves out after weeks and months of drama, attempts to control, deceive, bully, exploit, etc., and needs to regroup/reload without you taking advantage of them in a vulnerable moment. Not that you would, but remember, they #project.
Trust nothing. Don't wishful think yourself into believing the crazy eye of the crazy hurricane will last. Do take advantage of the lulls to accomplish positive things for yourself and the kids. And be careful out there!
#crazy #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #anger #hostility #aggression #drama #coparent #npd #bpd #hpd #enabler #dupersdelight #project #abusehasnogender