Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
127 followers · 304 posts · Server zeroes.ca

No offense taken:)
I’m pretty certain I come across as lecture-y… like all the time lol
And I never mean too, just trying to be helpful 🖤

I’m sad my spouse didn’t get b/c he’s so by the book, won’t do anything remotely & since he’s not eligible for b/c I made him get 3rd for this

I think he saw🦃Day, why he needs to be more cautious even tho he’s got great ; we all need to be cautious🌈

#gamerecognizegame #novavax #duplicitous #booster #mRNA #ihatethecdc #fda #genes

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
87 followers · 14041 posts · Server masthead.social

Mehdi: Among Most ‘, , ’ Politicians

Mehdi Hasan: “Kevin McCarthy was well aware that the January Sixth was not a group of , or or just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it is also a reminder that he may be among the , politicians in D.C


Founder of
Founder of
Founder of


#hft #rtb #seo #washington #most_cowardly #patriots #tourists #mob #hypocritical #duplicitous #cowardly #kevin_mccarthy #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 14039 posts · Server masthead.social

Mehdi: Among Most ‘, , ’ Politicians

Mehdi Hasan: “Kevin McCarthy was well aware that the January Sixth was not a group of , or or just people in the wrong place at the wrong time. And it is also a reminder that he may be among the , politicians in D.C


Founder of
Founder of
Founder of


#hft #rtb #seo #washington #most_cowardly #patriots #tourists #mob #hypocritical #duplicitous #cowardly #kevin_mccarthy #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS

Last updated 2 years ago

Margot Parker · @MargotLJParker
0 followers · 3514 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @MargotLJParker: @DailyMailUK Certainly not he's a remainer and would if ever elected seek to aline uk laws regs etc with eu so he's via the back door duplicitous politician and in time would have us back where we started brexit ref all but a distant memory

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/MargotLJParker/statu

#duplicitous #NeverLabour

Last updated 2 years ago

Margot Parker · @MargotLJParker
0 followers · 3514 posts · Server respublicae.eu

@DailyMailUK Certainly not he's a remainer and would if ever elected seek to aline uk laws regs etc with eu so he's via the back door duplicitous politician and in time would have us back where we started brexit ref all but a distant memory

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/MargotLJParker/statu

#duplicitous #NeverLabour

Last updated 2 years ago

Margot Parker · @MargotLJParker
0 followers · 3514 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Queen 'let Harry name daughter after her thinking she'd be Elizabeth'. Sadly unsurprising from the self promotion pair to mislead HM the Queen mol.im/a/10972153 via @MailOnline

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/MargotLJParker/statu


Last updated 2 years ago

Maybe is better? :)

We use the word 'fake'book because we believe it's more accurate. We believe 'fail'book neglects that the platform is not failing at its intended purpose, to and keep ppl divided… .

Failbook is not failing. It has almost perfectly done its job for the corporateState, only starting to falter now.

'Fake'book more accurately describes the aspect of . The falseness, also at the individual level.

#nitwitter #takeTheInternetPrivate #atomised #duplicitous #facebook

Last updated 3 years ago

He's an empty vessel. Just because he is empty that doesn't mean the won't continue their aggresive apace. Presidents are largely empty vessels in the US, they get there by being corrupt.

Keep a close eye on and . The machine wants more to devour and they don't like having to buy from while telling other countries like not to. Yes the leaders are this and .

@coyote @mrsaturday

#manufacturingconsent #MICIMATT #venezuela #saudiarabia #fossilfuels #russia #germany #duplicitous #psychopathic

Last updated 4 years ago