Python error when running incremental duplicity backup to Backblaze B2 #python #backup #dejadup #duplicity
#python #backup #dejadup #duplicity
What #program are you using to #backup your #linuxdesktop? #linux #rsync #pika #dejadup #duplicity #borg
#borg #duplicity #dejadup #pika #rsync #Linux #linuxdesktop #Backup #program
Backup failed Another duplcity instance is already running with this archive directory in 22.04 #backup #dejadup #duplicity
Kenneth Loafman released #Duplicity version 2.0.0b1.
in what is perhaps a statement of the blindingly obvious (although sometimes the blindingly obvious can do with a little evidentiary support) research into the effects of competition has “found it was only the losers of the number-guessing game who became more dishonest, with a larger effect (d = –0.34). The winners of the competition stage, on the other hand, showed no change in their honesty behaviour”.
I've also been so pissed off at some recent events that I've done a little blogging:
#competition #ethics #abuseofpower #personalresponsibility #duplicity
@natty I would recommend the use of #borgbackup or #duplicity for #backups.
The first for certain has a Windows-compatible client (not sure for the second).
It can do compression & deduplication automatically without having to manage it yourself.
#borgbackup #duplicity #backups
RT @BombshellDAILY
No shortage of clients for this conservative Pastor. #duplicity
Today is World Backup Day! 💾
I do my backup using Python. 🐍
Specifically, I've been using the Duplicity library to do my daily backup for years and it works very well 📦
Lately, I use Déjà Dup as the UI of Duplicity in Gnome, but you can use it with another UI. 👣
#worldbackupday #worldbackupday2023 #python #duplicity #dejadup #gnome #backup
@qbi Wo es vom Plattenplatz vertretbar ist grundsaetzlich *auch* VM images, e.g. unter @QubesOS, #Xen, etc., weil das oft schneller wiederherzustellen ist. Ansonsten #duplicity fuer die Daten und #Ansible um die Maschine wieder zu konfigurieren. Auf'm Handy ist mir egal, ich lebe #Datensparsam, was nicht eh' in #git liegt kann auch weg ;-)
#xen #duplicity #ansible #datensparsam #git
@keithzg @fitheach @gemlog
Gentlemen, where were you last week when I was soliciting advice?
I'll check out #Duplicity . Nothing's going to happen for a few days anyway, since I need to buy a new external hard drive.
GPG - Bad Passphrase when using a signing key #backup #encryption #gnupg #duplicity
#backup #encryption #gnupg #duplicity
@paninid #Google among others has been caught deleting anything it deems copyright-infringing from private storage, as has Dropbox ( even when you *own* the copyright.
As with most such stored data, backups are still essential and the 3-2-1 rule comes highly recommended.
That is, at least 3 backups, on at least 2 different media and at least 1 offsite.
Versioning & deduplicating backup solutions like #BorgBackup and #Duplicity make that easier to accomplish over time.
#google #borgbackup #duplicity
Kenneth Loafman released #Duplicity version 1.2.2.
Duplicity: Sichere Daten-Backups erstellen - mit eigenem GPG-Schlüssel verschlüsselt & signiert
#linux #backup #gpg #duplicity
Good afternoon Lindsay ( ) this I’m sure you’ll agree is further evidence of #ToryMisrule and #Duplicity
#torymisrule #duplicity #toriesout177
Friends, do yourself a favor, and double check your computer backups.
Once again I discovered a server whose backups started failing a long time ago, and I never noticed. The server whose backups were failing was, ironically, my backups server. It has GB of disk space, so I use it for Time Machine and also to store my mini-servers backups files. Doh!
#backups #duplicity #verifyyourbackups #trustbutverify #backups
#trustbutverify #verifyyourbackups #duplicity #backups
Why the hack does #duplicity create a non-existing directory when it's supposed to issue a list of files?? The semantics of list-current-files is clearly an operation, that should *NOT* modify the file system!! Instead I'd expect an error message!
duplicity list-current-files file:///tmp/abc
-> /tmp/abc suddenly exists