Decked in traditional red Banarasi, a tiara of flowers and jewellery, six-year-old Rimsha became 'Durga' on Thursday. The Muslim girl took centrestage at a community Kolkata Durga Puja whose organisers chose to hold one of its most auspicious ceremonies - Khuti Puja - on Eid-al-Adha, apart from a symbolic Kumari Puja with Rimsha to reinforce the message of communal harmony at a time of rifts in society along religious lines.
#DurgaPuja #Bengal
This is West Bengal. Here, police attacks bookstalls and allows Mahatma Gandhi faced Mahishashur in #DurgaPuja
This is West Bengal. Here, police attacks bookstalls and allows Mahatma Gandhi faced Mahishashur in #DurgaPuja
RT @AudreyTruschke: Folks often ask about Hindutva uses of Hindu religious celebrations and imagery. This is one example —
Hindu nationalists are celebrating Durga puja by making Indian independence-leader Mahatma Gandhi the slain demon (asura).
RT @iindrojit
Prof Tapati Guha Thakurta being felicitated by CM @MamataOfficial at a special event to commemorate #UNESCO world heritage tag to #Bengal's #DurgaPuja
It was Guha Thakurta's research work that paved way for this international recognition for #DurgaPuja. Credit due.
#impact #unesco #bengal #durgapuja
The force behind the #UNESCO intangible cultural #heritage tag of #DurgaPuja is art historian Tapati Guha Thakurta, Director, Center for Studies in Social Sciences, #Calcutta, my former professor 😊. She did the research and filled in the form. The rest is history
#unesco #heritage #durgapuja #calcutta
The force behind the #UNESCO intangible cultural #heritage tag of #DurgaPuja is art historian Tapati Guha Thakurta, Director, Center for Studies in Social Sciences, #Calcutta, my former professor 😊. She did the research and filled in the form. The rest is history
#unesco #heritage #durgapuja #calcutta
Ichamati river
(inspired from paperclip tweet)
#BijoyaDashami #DurgaPuja2021 #DurgaPuja4All #DurgaPuja
#BijoyaDashami #DurgaPuja2021 #DurgaPuja4All #durgapuja
Tribal Women in Bolpur took part in #sindurkhela wearing PPE as a show of respect to health workers🙏 #SubhoBijoya
#sindurkhela #SubhoBijoya #durgapuja
PM Sheikh Hasina's reassures the Hindu community in #Bangladesh, sends out a stern message against fundamentalism in the aftermath of #Comilla violence during #DurgaPuja
#durgapuja #bangladesh #Comilla
Eight year old Sadia Khatun is worshipped during Kumari Puja at Chuchura Sarada Ramkrishna Sebashram.
Personally not in support of Kumari Puja.
TinTin & the Brussels Club, who has created this wonderful art has moved to Naktala as they can’t sustain two lockdowns. They didn’t let go of their staffs. If possible, do order. #DurgaPuja
The desperation to prove good Muslim for acceptance is disheartening.
A group of Muslim youths distributed fruits among devotees at a temple in Silchar, Cachar, Assam on the occasion of #DurgaPuja yesterday.
"We want to send out a message that Hindu-Muslim unity is intact and divisive forces won't succeed," said Raza Laskar.