Lately I've been really enjoying Keyboard #roguelite #games like #DeadeyeDeepfakeSimulacrum and #Duskers
There's something very satisfying to me about an atmospheric game with a simplistic interface where you set up a perfect chain of events to either cause absolute chaos or simply strategically get rid of a problematic element in a level by willing the event into existence with a terminal interface like you're some kind of technomancer without any actual magic, just a keyboard.
I want more.
#roguelite #games #deadeyedeepfakesimulacrum #duskers
Tried out #Duskers for the first time today and I'm very impressed. Your job is basically to use robots to salvage ships adrift in space to survive another day, get enough fuel and scrap to scavenge again, and maybe find out what horrible thing happened to the galaxy. Your interface is a top-down, grainy map, a command window, and a small library of commands like "navigate Abby r3; generator."
It's my type of game. Short on dialogue, addictive game loop, #roguelike.
Duskers Gameplay - First Look (4K)
Duskers is a 2016 space exploration roguelite game by indie developer Misfits Attic
#Duskers #Snowmind #SMstrategy #4K #FirstLook
#duskers #snowmind #smstrategy #4K #firstlook
The freebie on Epic games this week is #Duskers. Had a great time sending drones round deserted space ships.
Grab a free copy of splendid sci-fi horror game Duskers from Epic - #EpicGamesStore #Indiescovery #MisfitsAttic #Freegames #Duskers #Horror #Indie
#indie #horror #duskers #freegames #misfitsattic #Indiescovery #epicgamesstore
Duskers is a parser-driven game that works brilliantly, and one of the most atmospheric sci-fi horror games since Alien on the ZX Spectrum. It is also currently free on the Epic Store.
#duskers #scifi #freegames #epic
#epic #freegames #scifi #duskers
A bit late today, but new #EpicStore freebie available until thursday 11AM EST next week: #Duskers
"Pilot drones into derelict spaceships to find the means to survive and piece together how the universe became a giant graveyard."
#epicstore #duskers #pcgaming #gaming #freegames #games
#Duskers by #MisfitsAttic is currently #free as in #gratis on the #EpicGamesStore:
«Pilot drones into derelict spaceships to find the means to survive and piece together how the universe became a giant graveyard.»
#indie #indieGame #IndieGames #simulation #strategy #strategyGame #WindowsGaming #gaming #games #FreeGames #GratisGames #EpicGames #FiXatoRecommends
#duskers #misfitsattic #free #gratis #epicgamesstore #indie #indiegame #indiegames #simulation #strategy #strategygame #windowsgaming #gaming #games #freegames #GratisGames #epicgames #FiXatoRecommends
The current #EpicGames free game is #Duskers, a fantastically atmospheric game about directing drones through derelict spaceships looking for salvage. Highly, highly recommend at least one evening with it.
Quintin Smith describing his favorite Duskers mechanic in Cogwatch:
Creator Tim Keenan's GDC talk about organically finding Duskers' design pillars during its creation:
Duskers is like someone saw the *FTL: Use the Doors* video and decided to make a whole game out of it
I'm going to wager the "unknown" hold of the medical transfer ship with one crew is the patient
One place left in the main crew, robots that's your last chance to be my obedient slaves and die repeatedly to to red plibs on the threat radar
Next up: This fantastic book dives into the evolving discipline of procedural storytelling in #GameDesign. 📚
I've only ever heard great things about it:
#VideoGames #Gaming #VideoGame #Writing #GameDev #CuriousExpedition #Duskers #DwarfFortress #FrostPunk #MuderOnTheZinderneuf #StateOfDecay #TheChurchInTheDarkness #TheShroudedIsle #TheSims #Voyageur #WeHappyFew #NarrativeDesign #CRCPress #Book #Books #Bookstodon #GameWriting #GameStudies #Ludology #WorldBuilding
#worldbuilding #ludology #gamestudies #gamewriting #bookstodon #Books #book #crcpress #narrativedesign #wehappyfew #voyageur #thesims #theshroudedisle #thechurchinthedarkness #stateofdecay #muderonthezinderneuf #frostpunk #dwarffortress #duskers #curiousexpedition #GameDev #Writing #videogame #Gaming #videogames #gamedesign
Next up: This fantastic book dives into the evolving discipline of procedural storytelling in #GameDesign. 📚
I've only ever heard great things about it:
#VideoGames #Gaming #VideoGame #Writing #GameDev #CuriousExpedition #Duskers #DwarfFortress #FrostPunk #MuderOnTheZinderneuf #StateOfDecay #TheChurchInTheDarkness #TheShroudedIsle #TheSims #Voyageur #WeHappyFew #NarrativeDesign #CRCPress #Book #Books #Bookstodon #GameWriting #GameStudies #Ludology #WorldBuilding
#worldbuilding #ludology #gamestudies #gamewriting #bookstodon #Books #book #crcpress #narrativedesign #wehappyfew #voyageur #thesims #theshroudedisle #thechurchinthedarkness #stateofdecay #muderonthezinderneuf #frostpunk #dwarffortress #duskers #curiousexpedition #GameDev #Writing #videogame #Gaming #videogames #gamedesign
#Duskers vous permet de piloter des drônes à distance via des lignes de commandes simples afin d'explorer des épaves de vaisseaux abandonnées.
Récupérer des matières premières, faire évoluer ses drones, scanner les pièces et gérer les éventuels menaces qui rodent dans les vaisseaux en coupant le courant, en fermant les portes, en activant les défenses du vaisseau ou en balancant tout le monde dans l'espace par exemple.
Tout est généré procéduralement, c'est assez prenant comme jeu.