Today in Labor History August 27, 1934: 7,000 Filipino lettuce cutters and mainly white packing shed workers went on strike against the powerful Salinas Valley growers and shippers, demanding union recognition & improved wages and working conditions. Many of the white workers were Dust Bowl refugees. Most of the Filipino workers had immigrated as U.S. nationals, after the U.S. took over the Philippines, in the wake of the Spanish-American War. There was rampant persecution of Filipino workers in California. Laws prohibited Filipino women from immigrating to the U.S. and prevented Filipino men from consorting with Anglo women. The American Federation of Labor initially refused to recognize or support the Filipino Labor Union (FLU). Scabs and vigilantes viciously beat Filipino strikers and chased 800 out of the Salinas Valley at gunpoint. They also burned down a labor camp. Police arrested picketers and union leaders for violation of the Criminal Syndicalism laws (laws that prohibited advocating any change to the economic and political status quo). The FLU ultimately won a raise and union recognition. However, discrimination and racist violence against Filipinos continued.
Steinbeck wrote about the plight of Filipino migrant farmworkers in the Salinas Valley in a 1936 series of articles for the San Francisco News called “The Harvest of Gypsies,” which formed part of the basis for his novel, Grapes of Wrath. He said they were among the most discriminated, and best organized, ethnic group in the U.S. Their organizing, he went on to say, brought on terrorism against them by vigilantes and the government.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #union #strike #filipino #Salinas #farmworkers #racism #immigration #colonialism #police #PoliceBrutality #vigilantes #DustBowl #Steinbeck #journalism #books #author #writer #fiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #filipino #Salinas #farmworkers #racism #immigration #colonialism #police #policebrutality #vigilantes #dustbowl #Steinbeck #journalism #books #author #writer #fiction
Zeichnerisches Remake* einer Fotografie aus der Ära des #Dustbowl und ein den Rasen sprengendes Kind
"If mere dollars were to be considered, the actually destitute in our section could undoubtedly have been fed and clothed more cheaply than the works projects [that] have been carried out. But in our national economy, manhood must be considered as well as money. People employed to do some useful work may retain their self-respect to a degree impossible under cash relief…"
"If we must worry so over the ruinous effects of 'made work' on people of this type, why haven’t we been worrying for generations over the character of the idlers to whom some accident of birth or inheritance has given wealth unmeasured, unearned, and unappreciated?"
#raykahn #masculinity #wpa #newdeal #dustbowl #work
In 1935 Hugh Bennett, director of the Soil Erosion Service, met with members of Congress and other officials on the continued funding of soil programs. The meeting was carefully timed to coincide with the weather forecasts for when the dust would envelope the city.
Congress, seeing the impact firsthand, approved changes.
#History #DustBowl #Congress #USHistory
From: @washingtonpost
#ushistory #Congress #dustbowl #History
I have recreated this account as I managed to tap more resources for the photographs of #DorotheaLange there will be appr 3500 pics to be posted. #Enjoy #photography #potographers #Dustbowl
#dorothealange #enjoy #photography #potographers #dustbowl
#USA Carambolage géant aux États-Unis
Dans l’Illinois, aux États-Unis, sept personnes sont mortes et 37 autres hospitalisées après un immense carambolage [...] pris dans un blizzard de poussières agricoles, créées par de mauvaises pratiques appauvrissant les sols et une sécheresse historique dans les grandes plaines de l’Ouest américain.
Ce blizzard de poussières agricoles ressemble à une version moderne et réduite du #DustBowl des années 30' ...
#dustbowl illinois #klimawandel #globalchange
#dustbowl #klimawandel #globalchange
Today in Labor History April 14, 1935: The Black Sunday dust storm swept across the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. This was one of the worst storms of the Dust Bowl. 4 years later, on this same date, John Steinbeck published his classic novel, The Grapes of Wrath, about Dust Bowl refugees in California.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #DustBowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #dustbowl #GreatDepression #JohnSteinbeck #GrapesOfWrath #refugees #poverty #fiction
Guten Morgen,
🌡️6°C ☁️ und so trübe, das man meinen könnte es käme #Smog Alarm.
Das #Kalenderblatt nimmt sich heute einer #Wetterkatastrophe an.
Am So den 14.4.1935 wurde der verheerendste Sandsturm in den #Dustbowl aufgezeichnet.
Die rigorose #Brandrodung führt zur #Versteppung. Damit steht der #Erosion nichts mehr im Wege.
Als Folge ziehen 15% der Bevölkerung #Oklahoma.s weg und die Regierung beschliesst einen 100Meilen breiten #Grünstreifen von Nord nach Süd.
#asphalt #beton #grunstreifen #oklahoma #erosion #versteppung #brandrodung #dustbowl #wetterkatastrophe #kalenderblatt #smog
You ever hear songs that take you somewhere else, maybe not even where the artist expected? Every time I hear this song, I think about “The Grapes of Wrath”; more specifically, the character of Tom Joad.
#Music #thegrapesofwrath #Steinbeck #unintended #dustbowl
RT @tjcsimpson: ‘The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself’
1930s USA or 2020s UK? #dustbowl #covercrops #soil
Yo to boosters and favoriters, thank you so much. This issue is so close to my heart, for reasons I barely understand. The #dustbowl was such a great #AmericanTragedy, but it got subsumed into #WoodyGuthrie nostalgia and folklore, and the real lesson has not been absorbed. Having put the #GreatPlains into cultivation, we must find a way to maintain them that way forever, or harvest a rain of dirt.
#dustbowl #americantragedy #woodyguthrie #greatplains #climatechange
Dust Bowl: Photos From Oklahoma in 1942 by Alfred Eisenstaedt
#Oklahoma #OklahomaHistory #dustbowl
Farmer and sons walking in the face of a dust storm. Cimarron County, Oklahoma, 1936 - Library of Congress
#Oklahoma #OklahomaHistory #dustbowl #greatdepression