I got into Sonic Youth's early 'horror' stuff as a teen. It seemed like these guys took all of the right lessons regarding, for this album at least. One of my favorite tracks of the 90's. It ends spectacularly.
#RPGaDay2022 19) Favourite PUBLISHED adventure
Welt again, it depends! Right mow:
#horror - you have been warned: Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home (#CoC. #DeltaGreen), the intro adventure of #WorldWarCthulhu, #BlackMadonna (#Kult), Bring Me The Head of the Comte de Saint-Germain (#UARPG)
#Fantasy: #MistakenIdentity (#WFRP, #TheEnemyWithin), some #Zauberzeit adv. like Der Schwarze Habicht
#cyberfantasy (to be played) :#UniversalBrotherhood (#Shadowrun)
#wildwest: The intro adv. of #DustDevils
#RPGaDAY2022 #horror #CoC #deltagreen #worldwarcthulhu #blackmadonna #KULT #uarpg #fantasy #mistakenidentity #WFRP #TheEnemyWithin #zauberzeit #cyberfantasy #universalbrotherhood #shadowrun #wildwest #dustdevils
#RPGaDay2023 18) Favourite game SYSTEM
What an outrageous question, I can't decide - aka it depends.
- #TunnelsandTrolls, lots of #d6 and #explodingdice
- #InNomineSatanis / #MagnaVeritas, #d666🤘
- Old #L5RRPG, #d10 and #explodingdice
- #DustDevils, #Poker with a twist
- #Cyberpunk2013..., #Interlock (#d10 + #d6)
- #PbtA (#tremulus, #Stonetop!), very storytelling engines
The next cool thing that isn't #DnD and/or a clone/ripoff.
#rpgaday2023 #tunnelsAndTrolls #d6 #explodingdice #InNomineSatanis #magnaveritas #d666 #L5RRPG #d10 #dustdevils #poker #Cyberpunk2013 #interlock #PbtA #tremulus #Stonetop #dnd
#RPGaDay2023 11) WEIRDEST game you've played
For tactical #dieheart #DnD / #d20 boys and gals is #TunnelsandTrolls probably weird.
I vote for #Parsely! "Relive the glory days of floppy disks, dot-matrix printers and 128K RAM with this collection of party games inspired by the text-adventures of the 1980s."
The excellent #horror #ttrpg #UnknownArmies can get also really weird.
#DustDevils with shared narrative rights may create weird twists, just like #Fiasco.
#rpgaday2023 #dieheart #dnd #d20 #tunnelsAndTrolls #parsely #horror #ttrpg #UnknownArmies #dustdevils #fiasco
#RPGaDay2023 09) Favourite DICE
Hey, I'm still a "Tunnel Troll". #d6 rock! Custom/special dice are for elitists. :)
Sometimes "#cards are better #dice."
#DustDevils offers a great #Poker based system. The highest hand wins, but the player with the highest card gets the right to continue the story. In my experience, a great base for awesome stories.
#rpgaday2023 #d6 #cards #dice #dustdevils #poker #ttrpg
#RPGaDay2023 07) SMARTEST RPG you've played?
Pardon, how do I measure "smart(est)" #ttrpg? In my opinion, smart solutions depend at least on interests/preferences/requirements and constraints.
#DustDevils uses a #Poker-based engine with smart storytelling twists. The #Preparedness mechanic of #NightsblackAgents is very smart.
The setting and integration of rules of #Earthdawn is smart, if #DnD is a (p)reference. I think the #usagedie concept of some #OSR games is smart etc. etc.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #dustdevils #poker #preparedness #NightsBlackAgents #earthdawn #dnd #usagedie #osr
@HeyeBodo I'm in an on/off relationship. Usually I avoid playing if the environment is not "perfect" (right). I'm extremely picky and I don't give a f*ck about the usual #KLLR (kill loot level up repeat) tropes of many #ttrpg. Back then, I think (one of) the most intriguing game(s) after a break was #DUSTDEVILS - for me a game changer!
"Grim West", Poker driven, no GM, no written adventures, shared storytelling. Had multiple mind blowing sessions. I hope this is valid.
@HeyeBodo I'm in an on/off relationship. Usually I avoid playing if the environment is not "perfect" (right). I'm extremely picky and I don't give a f*ck about the usual #KLLR (kill loot level up repeat) tropes of many #ttrpg. Back then, I think (one of) the most intriguing games after a break was #DUSTDEVILS - for me a game changer!
"Grim West", Poker driven, no GM, no written adventures, shared storytelling. Had multiple mind blowing sessions. I hope this is valid.
@HeyeBodo @PenPaperDice It's nice and different. Reminds of the awesome #DustDevils and #Fiasco story games.
#DustDevils may help to create crazy game sessions - a different story.
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-12-scientists-first-ever-devils-mars.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-12-scientists-first-ever-devils-mars.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1602694894572560384#m
Scientists get first-ever sound recording of #dustdevils on Mars @LifeAtPurdue @NatureComms https://phys.org/news/2022-12-scientists-first-ever-devils-mars.html