Bake your own ‘kruidkoek’: just add water and egg. It is a traditional Dutch breakfast cake also known as ontbijtkoek.
The tin is included so you can start baking straight away!
Head over to our website to order!
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #ontbijtkoek #kruidkoek #dutchbreakfastcake #dutchfood #baking #dutchinaustralia #australianbaking #shoptasmania #shoptas #bakingmix
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #ontbijtkoek #kruidkoek #dutchbreakfastcake #dutchfood #baking #dutchinaustralia #australianbaking #shoptasmania #shoptas #bakingmix
New in stock: Dutch fresh mix/ hoest melange!
A refreshing mix to keep the sinuses clear. It consists of 5 different sweets.
See you tomorrow in front of Theogenes Gym, 57 Boland St, Launceston, across Kmart/ Coles parking exit. From 9am - 1pm or sold out.
Next weekend at the Tassie Scallop Fiesta in Bridport!
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #hoestmelange #dutchcandy #launceston #dutchfood #dutchinaustralia #dutchintasmania #dutch
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #hoestmelange #dutchcandy #launceston #dutchfood #dutchinaustralia #dutchintasmania #dutch
New in stock: Dutch sweet cherry sticks / Oosterhoutse kersenstokjes
Oosterhoutse kersenstokjes are sweet sticks with a cherry flavour. The handy bite size makes it almost too easy to keep eating them….
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #dutchfood #candy #smallbusinesstasmania #tasmsnianbusiness #dutchsweets #dutchintasmania #dutchcandy
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #dutchfood #candy #smallbusinesstasmania #tasmsnianbusiness #dutchsweets #dutchintasmania #dutchcandy
Venco droptoppers salmiak, met een aantal exemplaren met een "licht pittige twist". Ja ja, mijn neus begon te lopen, met je 'licht pittig' #drop #dutchfood #dutch
For Christmas Dinner in The Netherlands, people often do something that we call "Gourmetten." This is where the guests cook their own food on a tabletop griddle. It's "Gezellig," and a lot of fun!
Get inspiration for your own version:
Merry Christmas! #dutchfood #recipe #christmas
No way this actually exists in the Netherlands... The horror of culinary...
Salmon with whipped cream and puff pastry!!!
#cursed #culinary #food #hmmm #cursedfood #dutch #dutchfood
On Christmas Eve, after going to Midnight Mass, my mom would have family and friends over for a spread of breads and pastries. My favorite one? Kerststol is a delicious bread with raisins, nuts, and a center of almond paste. The crust was dusted with powdered sugar! So delicious! Make your own this year for your own Christmas celebration! #dutchfood #dutchfoodblogger #food #recipe
Recipe Video:
Recipe Text:
#dutchfood #dutchfoodblogger #food #recipe
Typically Dutch holiday snack: Gevulde Speculaas. Rich Almond Paste sandwiched between two beautifully spiced cookie layers!
Recipe Video:
#recipe #dutchfood #baking #delicious
Wij bidt wa veur bruune boon'n. Bruine bonensoep in de maak, dat lust ik elke week wel. En straks roekt dat zo lekker....
Met klapstuk, stukje platte rib, Gelderlander Bauchspeck en straks nog een rookworst van slager Niels. Dan kan er vanmiddag mooi een lading in de diepvries.
#bruineBonensoep #bartje #Drenthe #winterkost #dutchfood #foodtoot #harbrinkhoek #mariaparochie #twente #mooitwente
#mooitwente #twente #Mariaparochie #harbrinkhoek #foodtoot #dutchfood #winterkost #drenthe #bartje #bruinebonensoep
Dutch food moment: A cheeseburger with a kaassoufle (deep fried cheese in breadcrumbs) in the middle.
Comes with statins
Stamppot z ziemniaków, boczniaków i jarmużu, autorstwa Szymona z Ziemniaki, boczniaki, jarmuż, piri piri. Stamppot to tradycyjne, "rustykalne" danie z kuchni holenderskiej, generalnie ugotowane i ubite ziemniaki z różnymi dodatkami. Proste i wspaniałe.
(stamppot with kale and oyster mushrooms. traditional Dutch potato dinner dish)
#prostyobiad #taniobiad #vegan #obiadw40minut #dutchfood