Designed a silly parody sticker based on my favorite Northwest coffee chain! Shares appreciated! :3
Preorder links: (ships to US and Canada) (ships anywhere)
Car bumper stock photo from FreePik!
#furry #dutchangeldragons #dutchies #furryfandom
Fellow #Dutchies will understand. @ichbindabomb maybe not. Dutch breakfast in Munich secured. See Alt text.
Oh, fast vergessen...
Notiz für Wochenmarkt
- Calve Pindakaas
- Hagelslag
- Schokoküsse
- Nagelkaas
- Matjes Filets
"Dat kan niet" and "dat mag niet" defines #dutchies in weird, calvinistic ways. It is hard to translate. A practical effect is that rich people in the Netherlands prefer to go to other countries to show their riches while living in humble ways at home. It is weird.
Zielepiet is another Dutch word that is really tough to translate to there languages. #justsayin #dutchies :orangekrul:
If your admin can be convinced to add the attached 128x128 png as custom emoji to your instance, you can have this too :) #dutchies
Your favorite Dutch dyke ♥️
(Pssst, date me if you dare 😏)
#amsterdam #dyke #lesbian #dutch #dutchies
And for my fellow Frenchies: Dyke is not only a slang for "lesbian".
#amsterdam #dyke #lesbian #dutch #dutchies
When it freezes we #dutchies go #IceSkating. Lekker! #ijs #schaatsen #Doetinchem
#doetinchem #schaatsen #ijs #IceSkating #dutchies
Only a select few of #dutchies will know krentebrij. Bessola, if you prefer it ready made. Only like/boost if you’ve actually had it.
#Dutchies :) Globally the tallest people. Men average at 182,9 cm, women at 169,3 cm. #FunTrivia
I hear that the experts from Smit/Boskalis have been hired to fix the Suez Canal situation. Go, #dutchies!
Hahahaha! Fellow #Dutchies will LOL :)
"Me: Did you know you can vote in Madurodam?
Bf: Seems like it would be too small for that.
Me: 😐"
Thank you, #Dutchies: „Dutch parliament: China's treatment of Uighurs is genocide“
Bad Dad Joke for #dutchies that cannot really be translated :)
Wat is het verschil tussen een boormachine en een nietmachine?
Een boormachine boort. Een nietmachine niet :)
Dutch style lunch in my exile on the countryside in Germany. Always with milk. Because we #Dutchies roll that way. #WashYourHands #WearAMask😷 #WeGotThis✊
#dutchies #WashYourHands #WearAMask #wegotthis
50 years of Dutch bicycle propaganda :) #dutchies #2WheelsAreEnough
#Dutchies :) "A Dutch town has officially opened a 'silly walks' road crossing, in honour of a classic sketch from the 1970s BBC comedy programme Monty Python's Flying Circus."