Did you know we have awesome customers? At World Streat Eats a customer brought a book for Richard to read about Operation Chowhound, the food drops during the hunger winter during World War II in the Netherlands. Thanks to prince Bernhard it all happened!
This Sunday at World Street Eats, Launceston Civic Square, 11am to 3pm.
Next week Sunday at Don Market, 9am to 2pm.
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #dutchhistory #dutchhotchocolate #dutchdrinks #dutchinaustralia #readingtime #history
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #dutchhistory #dutchhotchocolate #dutchdrinks #dutchinaustralia #readingtime #history
Eierkoeken, literally ‘egg cakes’, are round, light and fluffy. Perfect for breakfast, morning tea or just in between. Who hasn't grown up with eierkoeken in The Netherlands?
We now stock the mix to bake your own, just add water and you will have approximately 15 egg cakes in no time!
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #eierkoeken #dutchbaking #dutchinaustralia #bakingaustralia #bakingau #dutcheggcakes #aushopping #shoptasmania #shoptasmanian #bakingmix #bakingthelazyway
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #eierkoeken #dutchbaking #dutchinaustralia #bakingaustralia #bakingau #dutcheggcakes #aushopping #shoptasmania #shoptasmanian #bakingmix #bakingthelazyway
Bake your own ‘kruidkoek’: just add water and egg. It is a traditional Dutch breakfast cake also known as ontbijtkoek.
The tin is included so you can start baking straight away!
Head over to our website to order!
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #ontbijtkoek #kruidkoek #dutchbreakfastcake #dutchfood #baking #dutchinaustralia #australianbaking #shoptasmania #shoptas #bakingmix
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #ontbijtkoek #kruidkoek #dutchbreakfastcake #dutchfood #baking #dutchinaustralia #australianbaking #shoptasmania #shoptas #bakingmix
New in stock: Dutch fresh mix/ hoest melange!
A refreshing mix to keep the sinuses clear. It consists of 5 different sweets.
See you tomorrow in front of Theogenes Gym, 57 Boland St, Launceston, across Kmart/ Coles parking exit. From 9am - 1pm or sold out.
Next weekend at the Tassie Scallop Fiesta in Bridport!
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #hoestmelange #dutchcandy #launceston #dutchfood #dutchinaustralia #dutchintasmania #dutch
#bigbitedutchtreats #bbdt #hoestmelange #dutchcandy #launceston #dutchfood #dutchinaustralia #dutchintasmania #dutch