Aktuell in der #HörBar der #nmz: Ries – Ogiński – Dussek — Die mehrfache Teilung, die vorübergehende Auslöschung der stolzen Nation von der europäischen Landkarte und die Errichtung eines künstlichen Kongress-Gebildes machte die polnische Frage schon zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts zu einer europäischen – pol
#E-Musik #Romantik #Dux(Label) #FerdinandRies #IrminaObońska #JanLadislavDussek #MarekToporowski #MichalKeofasOgińaki
#horbar #nmz #e #romantik #dux #ferdinandries #irminaobonska #janladislavdussek #marektoporowski #michalkeofasoginaki
My new #Dux Adjustable Brass Sharpener. It has three settings: blunt, normal, and fine point. Also comes with a cute leather case! 🖤
#dux #artist #pencil #artsupplies #pencilsharpener #christmas
Aktuell in der #HörBar der #nmz: Paria (1869) — Es ist eine tragische Geschichte im doppelten Sinne. Zum einen die auf der Bühne, wo am Ende einmal mehr die sozialen Widerstände den glücklichen Ausgang im Wege stehen, zum anderen für Stan
#E-Musik #Romantik #Dux(Label) #JustynaJedynak-Obloza #KatarzynaHolysz #LukaszBorowicz #PoznańPhilharmonicOrchestra #RobertJezierski #SzymonKomasa #TomaszWarmijak #WarsawPhilharmonicChoir #YuriGorodetski
#horbar #nmz #e #romantik #dux #justynajedynak #katarzynaholysz #lukaszborowicz #poznanphilharmonicorchestra #robertjezierski #szymonkomasa #tomaszwarmijak #warsawphilharmonicchoir #yurigorodetski
@BobLefridge A venue with a long and venerated musical history. Shame on the man. How then to create a dynamic inner city?
Irony. Sid McAuley, the man using noise complaints to end live music at the Dux in Christchurch after he moved in next door, has a history of breaching noise complaints.
Hypocrisy much.
#dux #christchurch #noise #mcauley #livemusic
When a rich bastard moves next door to a respected live music venue and decides to shut it down.
Sid McAuley seems like an awful person. May karma warm his coolstores while flocks of diarrhea-inflicted pigeons target his roof garden. The selfish prick!
When a rich bastard moves next door to a respected live music venue and decides to shut it down.
Sid McAuley seems like an awful person. May karma warm his coolstores. The selfish prick!
#Olafsvaka for
Ólafur S. Andrésson retiring, party last week
Career spaning #biochemistry #biotech #lentivirus #histones
#lichens #biocrust #naturelover
#dúx at MH college
Researcher at #Keldur
Professor in #Genetics at #UniversityIceland
Many thanks Óli for great mentorship and good collaborations on teaching n research
#universityiceland #genetics #keldur #dux #naturelover #biocrust #lichens #histones #Lentivirus #biotech #biochemistry #olafsvaka
#Olafsvaka for
Ólafur S. Andrésson retiring, party last week
Career spaning #biochemistry #biotech #lentivirus #histones
#lichens #biocrust #naturelover
#dúx at MH college
Researcher at #Keldur
Professor in #Genetics at #UniversityIceland
Many thanks Óli for great mentorship and good collaborations on teaching n research
#universityiceland #genetics #keldur #dux #naturelover #biocrust #lichens #histones #Lentivirus #biotech #biochemistry #olafsvaka
C'è qualcuno che lo ha voluto imprimere sui tombini delle fogne... #matrice egocentrica
RT @caterinad@twitter.com
Ascensore della Camera dei Deputati. Non ho altro da aggiungere Vostro Onore… #matrice #fascisti #dux
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/caterinad/status/1564679685065396226
RT @caterinad@twitter.com
Ascensore della Camera dei Deputati. Non ho altro da aggiungere Vostro Onore… #matrice #fascisti #dux
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/caterinad/status/1564679685065396226