Here's the latest variant picture for the new "FLip" variant DV.7.1.
The leading countries reporting DV.7.1 are Spain (9%) and Israel (4%).
DV.7.1 is from the CH.1.1.* "Orthrus" clan; DV is an alias for CH. DV.7 added the Spike L858I mutation, then DV.7.1 added the adjacent L455F and F456L mutations, hence the "FLip" nickname.
Yunlong Cao explained the advantage of this pair of mutations here:
HT Raj Rajnarayanan ( for the clever "FLip" tag.
Sample volumes from many countries are now very thin and patchy, leading to some variations.
#COVID19 #flip #dv_7_1 #ch_1_1 #orthrus